The hosting game

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The hosting game is a very scary paranormal game the object is to summon 3 ghosts

To play the hosting game you will need 3 matches a clock a pen or pencil and a sheet of paper you also need to be alone in the house

I advise you not to play this game as somthing very bad can happen

Select one room in your house the room must be small Empty and have no windows it can be a closet or a bathroom or any other type of room this is the hosting room

If you cannot find a room with no windows you can use a room with Windows but you must cover them up somehow no light should be able to get in

Step 1
Turn of all sources of noise phones TVs computers electrical gadgets etc

Step 2
Wait till it is dark outside turn of all the lights in the house except for the one in the hosting room if there is no lightbulb in the room then you can put a candle or a flashlight. In there leave the pen paper and clock in the hosting room

Step 3
Now the game can begin go to the furthest point in your house from the hosting room walk from room to room making your way back to the hosting room in each room you pass stop and call out I will be ready soon

Step 4
When you get to the hosting room take the sheet of paper and write the following
You are invited to a gathering hosted by your name it takes place at write the current time bring your friends
place the sheet of paper on the floor in the middle of the room

Step 5
Stand in the doorway facing into the hosting room and say I am ready you may come in

Step 6
Turn the light of and walk out stand outside the doorway with your back turned to the hosting room

Step 7 take out your 3 matches and hold them in your hand out load count from one to ten at ten struck the first Mach
If the Mach lights say out loads am glad to see you thank you for coming
If the Mach douse not light drop it and immediately proceed to the.
Next step

Step 8 strict the 2 Mach if it lights say out load I am glad to see you thank you for coming for it douse not light on the first strike drop it and immediately proceed to the next step
Step 9 struck the 3 Mach if it light say out loud I am glad to see you thank you for coming and if it douse not light on the first strike this is very bad it means you have unwanted guests do not turn around just run immediately to the nearest light source and turn it on the party is over

Step 10 if the 3 Mach lit on the first strike stand very still and listen carefully you will hear faint voices or whispering behind you don't turn around
To end the hosting game say out load thank you for coming goodbye then walk to the nerest light source ant turn it on the game is over your guests are gone

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