Hide and seek alone

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You will need
A doll
Crimson thread
Bath full of water
A sharp object knife
Salt water
Hiding place
To begin
Cut open the doll and take out the stuffing ( it must have arms and legs ) and refill it with rice sew it up with the crimson thread and wrap the thread around the doll take it to the bath and say I am the first it and go to your hiding place close your eyes and count to ten go to the doll and stab it and say I fond you (give your doll a name ) 3 times now say you are the next it say your dolls name put it in the sink run and hide turn the to on to static and put half the cup of salt water in your mouth keep it there and when you feel the doll is close get out of your hiding place with your cup of salt water and sharp knife go and find the doll it will not nesserceraly be in the sink when you find it stab the doll cut the thread and burn the doll after

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