Chapter 5

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Lukas drew his sword. Beside him Petra and Ivor did the same. They moved as a group, systematically checking each aisle between the books. There was no sign of Jesse. They widened their search area and began climbing the flight of stairs back to the main part of the house. Ivor frowned as they neared the top.

"I distinctly remember closing the passageway," he said.

"That means Jesse might have come out this way," Petra suggested.

"But why?" Lukas asked. "Do you think the Ocelots found out where we were and came to kidnap her?"

"I can't imagine they could have captured her so quietly," Ivor murmured. "Unless they used another potion. But even then it would have made noise when the glass shattered."

"Do you think she chose to leave?" Petra asked.

"Maybe she decided to try to stop Herobrine herself," Lukas suggested.

"I don't think that's the case," Ivor said. "Something much more sinister is going on here. I sense blackmail or trickery."

"In that case we should hurry," Lukas said. "We've got to find Jesse!"

"Let's split up," Petra said. "We'll cover more ground that way."

"On it," Lukas said, taking off down the street. He glanced in the windows of each shop he passed, but they were all dark.

"They probably took her to the meetinghouse," Lukas guessed. "Which means I'll have to take the shortcut to catch them."

He turned down an alley before skidding to a stop.

"Jesse!" he called, dropping his sword.


Jesse allowed Ivor to lead her quickly through the streets, not paying attention to where they ended up. Her mind was buzzing with questions.

Where did I mess up? Jesse wondered. I can't believe everyone in the order agreed to this. Why didn't I see this coming? What am I supposed to do now that I'm not in the order?

"Jesse!" a voice called from behind.

"Don't bother looking back, they're talking to someone else," Ivor said.

"Jesse, stop!" the voice called again. "Where are you going?"

Jesse glanced over her shoulder as Ivor pulled her away. At the other end of the alley was Lukas. His sword was on the ground and a relieved look crossed his face. Ivor growled and stopped walking, instead turning to face Lukas.

"Lukas," he said.

"What are you doing, Lukas?" Jesse asked. "I thought you were looking for The Legend of the Three."

"I found it, but then we realized you were missing. I was so worried! Where were you going?"

"Ivor was walking me home," Jesse explained. "He said that no one wanted me in the Order of the Stone anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Lukas asked. "Ivor? What are you doing?"

"That's none of your business, Ocelot," Ivor snapped. "Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be going."

"It's my business if you're going to hurt Jesse," Lukas growled, reaching down and picking up his sword. Ivor's grip tightened on Jesse's arm.

"Ivor, what's going on?" Jesse asked. Petra and another Ivor ran around the corner, appearing to stand beside Lukas. Both had their swords out.

"What's going on here?" Petra demanded. "Why are there two Ivors?"

"There aren't," the Ivor holding Jesse said. He swiftly transformed, growing larger with each passing second. His features and clothes melted and changed into the ones Jesse had only read in stories. His white eyes gleamed in the shadows of the alley.

"Of course!" Ivor realized. "Herobrine has the power to transform and possess people. How could I forget?"

"Fine time to forget!" Petra snapped.

"Release Jesse!" Lukas ordered. Herorbine's grip tightened.

"As if someone as insignificant as you could order me around," Herobrine said with a laugh.

"Why are you doing this?" Jesse asked Herobrine. "Why are you targeting me?"

"The one who released me made his wish," Herobrine said cryptically.

"Aiden," Lukas growled.

"Names are powerful," Herobrine said. "Be careful what you reveal to an immortal, Lukas."

"You aren't immortal," Jesse growled. Herorbine's crushing grip on her arm increased, but she pressed on. "You just . . . won't . . . die."

"You are all that stands between me and total freedom," Herorbrine growled. "A pity your death cannot be quicker." He touched a hand to Jesse's head and she went limp, sinking to the ground.

"Jesse!" Lukas shouted, charging forward.

"Lukas wait!" Ivor shouted, but Lukas had already reached Jesse and Herorbine. He grabbed Jesse's arm just as they vanished. Ivor and Petra stared at the spot where the trio had been moments before. There was no bright flash of light or mysterious sound. They were simply wiped from existence.

"I think it's time we find Axel and Olivia and read up a bit more on Herobrine," Petra said.

"I just hope Jesse can survive that long," Ivor agreed.

"She has Lukas with her. As long as they're together they'll be fine."


Lukas groaned. He felt a scorching breeze brush against his skin. The air smelled of rotten eggs and brimstone and sand burned wherever it came in contact with his skin. He could hear sizzling and rumbling in the distance.

Lukas opened his eyes and blinked a few times to ease the stinging. The sky above was hidden in a dark reddish-brown smog.

"Hm, still not the strangest thing I've seen washed up from the river," a female voice said as face appeared above Lukas.

It was a girl with pale gray skin, white hair, and red eyes. Lukas' heart pounded faster. The girl looked just like Jesse, aside from the fact that she was wearing some sort of red leather shirt and pants.

"Who are you?" Lukas asked, scrambling to his feet and backing away from the girl. She tilted her head as she answered.

"Ejess," she said. "You're not from around here."

"Where is here?" Lukas asked.

"You are in the Brine Realm. It used to be called by another name before the empty-eyed one took control. It was once called Ethersky."

Lukas glanced around. He had been on a beach made of black sand. A short distance away wound a sluggish river of lava. Beyond the beach was a barren landscape with skeletal white trees.

"I've never heard of this place," Lukas said. "Did you see another girl around here? Her skin is like mine and she has black hair and green eyes."

"You are the first since the empty-eyed one. Kulas might know of the one you seek," Ejess suggested.

"Ejess, what are you doing out here?" a voice echoed. A young man appeared, materializing out of a gray fog. Lukas chocked back a cry of shock.

The newcomer had the same gray skin, white hair, red eyes, and red leather outfit as Ejess. The only difference was that where Ejess looked uncannily like Jesse, Kulas looked like Lukas himself. Kulas' eyes widened when he saw Lukas.

"Where did he come from?" Kulas demanded.

"He's looking for a girl," Ejess explained. "I found him here."

"We need to leave before the empty-eyed one finds us," Kulas warned.

"Where?" Lukas asked.

"The Equinox?" Ejess asked Kulas. He nodded.

"Come. We will help you," Ejess promised. Reluctantly, Lukas followed the two strange beings away from the river of lava and deeper into unknown territory.

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