In the End

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-I made Starr Skies, my friends made characters like Brittney and Mavis. All other credits to Rick Riordan-

"Go!" I screamed at Emily and together we climbed down the tree. "It's the rebels!" I shouted, hoping to alert all other near snipers.

"What do we do?!" Emily yelled as we raced through the woods.

"We fight."

"Oh, great. I was hoping to avoid that!" Other snipers and guards saw us running and joined us.

"What fight?" Lucy appeared on my left side.

"It's the rebels, they're here?" Lucy whistled.

"Gotta admire their persistence." We had finally reached camp and there was already a full-fledged battle taking place. Lucy's grin was replaces with an intense look of determination. She reached into her pocket, taking out a pair of earbuds.

"Um...Lucy, those are earphones." Emily pointed out, drawing her sword. Lucy gave her a wicked grin.

"I know." She unraveled them and held onto one end of the headphones, cracking the earbuds like a whip. They transformed into exactly that. A whip of celestial bronze, ablaze with intimidating red fire. She rushed into battle, Emily and I right on her heels. I shot arrows at several attackers, but it didn't do much against their armor. I retreated to find Annabeth.

The woods were practically empty, in fact, I believed they were completely empty until I heard voices. I knocked an arrow, stealthily approaching the voices. They belonged to Luna and one of her guards. I came out from my hiding place, arrow aimed at the solider's uncovered head. Luna's hand shot toward her side.

"Ah-ah-ah," I chided her, shaking my head. The guard was armed with a sword, but as long as my arrow was trained on him, he stood motionless. "How expendable are your guards exactly?" I never looked away from the guard.

"Very expendable."

"And this one?" I gestured slightly to the blond kid. He looked older than me and much more muscular.

"Why would he be any less expendable?" I saw the boy shoot Luna a hurt look.

"Good." I shot him in the ankle, for it was a spot his armor didn't cover. Luna cried out, and I aimed at her instead, quickly reloading.

"What have you done?!" She demanded. The guard was sprawled on the ground, helpless.

"What have I done? Oh, let's see. I haven't killed your guard." Luna glared at me. I put my arrow back in my quiver and slung my bow across my shoulder. "Shall we go over what you've done?" I circled her slowly. Luna eyes the fallen guard. He shook his head slightly. "You've taken everything from me!" The grass blew toward Luna, even though there wasn't a breeze or even a lick of wind. The leaves on the trees trembled, then one by one flew toward Luna and circled her. "What have I ever done to you?!" Pine needles joined the bits of grass and the leaves. I stopped circling Luna, facing her head on. "Why do you feel the need to punish me for things I had no control of?"

"You've hurt me also!" Trees started shaking intensely. A look of fear planted itself on Luna's face. "Stop whatever you're doing!" I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm not doing anything!" The guard that had previously laid behind me, stood. He raised his sword, swinging it toward my back. It flew out of his hand, slamming into the nearest tree.

"You think I'm a fool?! Stop!"

"Why should I? You have taken away my last hope! I will not let you take away my home!" I finally realized what was happening. I gave her a small, sly smile. "Go." I whispered. The leaves and pine needles stopped their swirling storm and surged toward Luna. Stones pelted her and the guard. I hurried back toward the battle, not able to bear what I'd done. Despite the fear of myself, a sliver of excitement struck me. I just created that storm with my charmspeak. Was that even possible? Right now, I didn't care. I needed to save my camp.

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