Bella's POV:
I woke up Sunday morning and had breakfast with Jessica. She asked me if I had found a job yet and I told her I was thinking about working at Polo. To my total amazement, she works there. She said she could talk to the boss to get me in. I thanked her and headed up stairs to get ready to head over there. I threw on a black v-neck with long sleeves and dark blue skinny jeans. I wore black designer shoes that made me look slightly taller. I had my long brown hair curled, but even curled it still reached down to my waist. I kept my make-up simple, just eyeliner, mascara, and a little bit of brown eyeshadow that was the perfect match for my eyes. My eyes stood out thanks to my light cream-colored skin.
I threw my bag in the car and I was on my way. My car was nothing special, just a black Nissan. When I arrived at Polo, I felt a certain kind of energy pulling me in. I didn't know exactly what it was, but when I walked in I was greeted my Jessica and a few other workers. They pretty much told me I got the job and I could start working Monday night. I am not too busy besides college so I could probably pull it off. And with that I was given a list of rules and steps that I must follow....
I was ready for the 'date' with Jacob.
He was there just on time. He wore a tight black v-neck t-shirt with dark blue jeans and regular sneakers. I must admit he looked sexy. I still had on the same outfit from earlier, and we almost matched! I giggled when I saw him.
"What's so funny?" He asked, fighting a smile himself.
"We match," I told him fighting back another giggle.
"Hmm, I guess we do. But my guess would be that you look slightly better in it than I do," he said seductively.
That made me blush a deep red and look down butting down on my lip. I know that I am a virgin and I'm not willing to change that just yet. I suddenly began to get nervous. I was thinking ahead-
"The blush on your cheeks is beautiful," he said erupting me from my train of thought.
I couldn't stop myself from laughing. To him it's beautiful, to me it's embarrassing.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked with no honest curiosity behind his words.
"No reason." And that seemed to be enough for him.
When we got there, Jake asked for a table for two. It just got slightly more awkward knowing that my close friend that I've known since like kindergarten is trying to seduce me once every five minutes. What's even weirder is the fact that I kind of like it. But not enough for me to sleep with him.
"What would you like to drink?" the waiter asked mainly to me before biting his lip. I could tell there was more he wanted to say but held the words back.
"I'll just have a water." I answered simply.
Then he turned unwillingly towards Jacob, "What about you sir?"
"I'll just have a root beer, thank you." he replied calmly.
"Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks,"
"So Jake how have you been since my last visit?" I asked trying to make conversation.
"Everything's great, but you just made my life slightly better." Jesus one more comment like that and I'll snap, "you used to be just a girl, but now your a beautiful sexy woman."
That was it, "Okay Jake, I'm not looking for a relationship right now since I just got settled in to my apartment and everything, so I would really appreciate it if you kept your comments to yourself."
He put his Palms up as if in surrender, "Definitely got a little feisty, I like that. And just let me know when your looking for a relationship and I'll be here." He said coolly.
"Thanks Jake."
With that out of the way the night went by quick. We talked about how his dad, Billy, was doing. And my parents. We talked about our future, like we had a clue. We just got so carried away in conversation that we forgot about the time and even the fact that we had food in front of our faces. We ended up taking our food to go.
At the door he took me by surprise and puckered his lips and closed his eyes. Not knowing what to do, I stupidly just opened up the door, walked inside, said a quick "Goodnight Jacob" with slight annoyance and shut the door.
I turned around and before I could even blink Jessica was standing there in her pajamas with an excited look on her face.
"So..." She said with slight annoyance that I didn't just start talking right away anyway.
"Nothing happened." It was a state of fact. Honestly, nothing did happen.
"Don't worry, something will happen next time." She said in a soothing tone.
"No Jessica, there isn't going to be a next time."
"Oh sure there will, I'm sure he'll call you back!"
"No Jessica! I don't want there to be a next time. I don't like him that way." I nearly shouted. I felt like I would have to pry open her brain and carve the words 'there will not be a next time' right into her head.
"Do you think I could try to go out with him?" She asked with hope rising in her voice.
"Sure Jessica, who knows? Maybe you two will become an item!" I threw in a little enthusiasm for her benefit.
"You mean, you won't mind?"
"Jess, why would I mind? If we were ever dating in the first place, maybe I would mind. But we were never dating, we are not dating, and we will not be dating."
"Thank you Bella!" She said while giving me a huge hug.
"For what?"
"Letting me date him. Well, try at least."
"You don't have to ask permission to date someone. I'm gonna head up to bed early tonight, I'm really tired. 'Night Jess." I said as I pulled away from her tight embrace.
"'Night Bella!"
I went up to my room, got changed and went to bed.

Chapter 1. Forks
JugendliteraturBella and Edward meet at a local bar and try to make it work out between them but with some drama in the way it does seem so easy.