Waiting for Eternity- A Carrie Diaries Story

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Moral 1: Never underestimate an old spark.

I was unsure for a whole as to why Sebastian's usually calming presence changed swiftly into a steaming with anger emotion.

All I did was place a kiss on Adam's lips. So what if Sebastian saw? he's in the past and Adam is present day. Adam replied with a cheeky smile which I couldn't deny sparked excitement within me.

Sebastian tapped Adam's shoulder, my eyes flashed him a cold icy glare as he folds his arms and acts all 'tough guy' in front of Adam.

"What do you think you're doing Sebastian Kydd!?" I say staring into his surprisingly convincing eyes.

"I was about to ask the same thing to you, Carrie Bradshaw." The way he mouths out each words makes me want to scream, each word falls out of his mouth like a spell and I feel his charm crawling over me.

"Hey hey, back up there mate." Adam finally steps in and gently pushes Sebastian's chest back only a few inches.

I see Sebastian's innocent eyes meet mine, I can't help but look away. He shoots Adam a meaningful look and soon enough I hear my own voice interrupt the suspenseful silence.

"Sebastian, can we talk?" Instead i say, feeling weak I place a quick kiss on Adam's cheek as I tug onto Sebastian's cool leather jacket.

We go outside into the cool winter's breeze. He huddles into his jacket more and gives me another innocent stare.

"Well don't just look me like that! With those puppy dog eyes and your unbearably attractive face" I say, feeling as if I am yet again, under his spell.

"Carrie, look at me." he says sternly and I allow his tender hands to lift my chin.

"You don't love him, I know you don't. I know you better than you know yourself. If I were you, I'd quite while you're ahead. Cancel the wedding. You know you don't love him. your heart doesn't hurt when you think about him the way it would happen to you and me." Every word cuts like a knife.

For a second, I feel like standing up for Adam, my fiancé. Yet again, I feel trapped in Sebastian's charm. I can't look at his eyes without melting from his attractiveness.

"We may be two different people, but I know you love me just as much as I will always always always love you, Carrie Bradshaw."

It is true. Sebastian does know me better than I know myself, and I will always love Sebastian Kydd. Ever since meeting him at the pool over 5 years ago, I could never move on from him. no matter how hard I try, he's always there to ruin everything.

"I. I love you too Sebastian Kydd, so much, my heart hurts. It rips me to see you lonely. But I know you'll find another girl, it's not hard for someone as perfect as you. I'm sorry but I have to get going with Adam. Don't doubt yourself Sebastian, you're still perfect and always will be. Well, to me, at least."

I see Sebastian's eyes twinkle in the street lights outside more than ever, he takes a big swallow before speaking again.

"I can't move on from you, Carrie. I need you." He loops his big hands around my waist and pulls me in so our bodies are grazing against each other. My heart begins to race just like it did when our lips first met.

I'm split into pieces. I do love Sebastian, but I can't leave Adam.

"I'm sorry." I say as I unloop his arms from my waist and huddle inside my coat more before walking back in the bar.

I turn my head, to see Sebastian's eyes left glassy and his face pained. In a split moment, I fully turn around and walk back, I embrace him into a hug, and I can almost make out the sounds of faint tears.

"I love you so much, Sebastian, that's why I'm letting you go. You don't deserve me"

"Ill do anything for you, Carrie Bradshaw. Just wait and see." He shuts his eyes for a brief second before watching me walk back into Adam's welcoming arms inside the bar.

"Is everything okay, Carrie?" Adam says placing a kiss on my cheek.

I brush away my tears, with the sleeve of my coat.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry about me." I'm sure everyone has lied about this sentence.

Adam didn't realise the pain behind my voice and smiled at me.

"Good. Let's go home." He takes my hand as we exit the bar.

Sebastian is leaning against the lamppost as we leave, I flash him a pained glare and walk off.

I love him so much, but yet again, I hate him so much.

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