Chapter eleven- Anonymous!?

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In class...
Oka's POV:
I can't stop thinking about what has just happened at lunch. My destiny? What will be in my destiny? Is it good? Is it bad? ... No I don't want to think too much, it might make me insane. "Pss, Oka!" I noticed that Budo is trying to get my attention in class "hmm?" I replied like that but still thinking about what might happen next, "are you okay, Oka? You look like you are not paying attention to the teacher" he whispered "well, um... Distracted?" Whispered back to him "hmm... Oka you sure" "yes I'm sure!" Snapped but whispered so the teacher could not hear me. I keep on staring into space thinking about my destiny, I want to know what is going to happen, wait I need to know not want to know.
"Where is kokona?" Taro asked mai "dunno" she answered back... Wait did he just asked for kokona!? But she is DEAD! I saw how she dead and I saw who killed her... Um... But I should not say a thing about the murder or she might come for me next... Hmm... I want to know what it feels like to commit a murder, I mean... Is it fun?- I NEED TO STOP THINKING THAT!

End of class
"Hey Oka!" Taro caught up to me "oh.. Hi" I answered back "wanna do homework together?" I have no time for that God dammit! "Sorry... I-I'm busy, you know being a club leader... Hehehe" "okay... Maybe next time?" He walks off to downstairs in the courtyard to sit by the fountain, he always sits there reading his book. I need to go to the girls bathroom to wash my face.

5 minutes later
Finally I entered the girls bathroom and---- WTF!? Yui and haruto is having a make out session "um... Why are you two making out in the girls bathroom?" They both stopped and looked at me "oh... Um... Well... Uhh" yui looked like a red tomato "well... We fell in here" haruto also looked like a tomato "I think you love birds should go..." I am trying not to laugh at them by getting caught in the girls bathroom making out... They both left the bathroom and I am washing my face "wow that was hilarious" talking to myself... Now I am heading towards the occult club but I looked at the wall and there was a note from someone and it also has my name, I picked it up and start reading it.

Oka I know you are hiding a demon somewhere and if you don't want me to find him and EXPOSE him you have to do as I say, and if you don't listen you will have a punishment that you won't want to come to school ever again and if you tell anyone about this not... Hahaha you'll see what I will do to you. First I need you to get any evidence which shows someone have killed another students and I bet you know who's a secret murderer in the school...
- anonymous!

Shit, is that from info-chan again? How does she know about that demon? What would she do if I won't do as she told?

Yui's POV:

Well that was embarrassing, Oka catching me and my beloved making out... Wow... "Yui, wanna go to KFC after school day ends" haruto whispers in my ear "sure" smiles at him and kissing him on his cheek and I looks at him and he is blushing... Awh he's so adorable when he blushes. wait, he is adorable anyways.

School day ends
Me and haruto is heading to KFC to hang out, I had to lie to my parents saying that I'm going to do homework round saki's house but I actually spend more time with haruto. Me and haruto are proper close, we never want to stay away from each other. Also me and him are in a same class so that is much better.

Me and haruto had ordered a large bucket of chicken nuggets and Oreo krushems. Haruto likes Oreo like me YAY! This is true love. "So, yui are you free on the weekends?" Haruto is starting at me "hmm, dunno" I stared at him back.

Shin's POV
I just realised Oka is acting weird but should I go round her house? ... Maybe she just scared after seeing more demons? ... I hope she is okay... And I do want to confess to her but she likes someone else, Taro. I'll let her be happy, I want her to be happy.

Right now I am just laying on my bed listening to music on my headphones and the music has changed to 'time of dying' nightcore... Hmm I think Oka is hiding something--- I hear tapping on my bedroom window and now I am looking out of it---- FLAME DEMON! WHY IS HE HERE?! "Umm why are you here?" I asked him because my window was already opened, "I need a place to stay" he shouted "why me?" "You are the closest and plus you are home alone" "ugggghhhh... Fine the window is open"

To be continued...

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