Angel: Attacked

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After a long night of training and then hunting it looks like we will use our unique tree shelter for another over day. We were able to dig under a giant, misshapen tree, its overgrown roots jutting proudly above the surface of the ground, looking like so many thick legs, knees bent and feet firmly planted. There is just enough space inside for the two of us to lie side by side. The slanted angle of its trunk and close placement of its roots help keep the direct rays of the sun from reaching inside. Using fallen branches, odd sticks, dried leaves and mud we packed any holes and put together a makeshift door. With it's location near a tiny pond its ideal for both finding food and keeping cool enough to sleep comfortably.

In preparation for my over day rest I wade into the small pond to wet my hair and clothes. Then I use a paste of mud on pulse points to help lower my body temperature and aid my sleep during the hot daytime hours. I envy Dante that temperature never seems to affect him like it does me.

Dante seems restless, and sits for a while on the large rock beside the pond. Earlier he sharpened all his blades, now he works on mine. I'm sure they're somewhat dull after a day of active use. Absorbed in his task, he ignores me, leaving me free to contemplate his rugged profile with it's typical harsh expression. Sometimes he looks so lost all I want to do is wrap my arms around him and hold him until he realizes he's been found.

Though it hasn't been long since he rescued me, when I look into his beautiful golden eyes it feels like I've known him forever. I've never felt so connected with another person, like we belong to each other. Dante has been nothing but protective of me, attentive to my needs. I can't help but feel affection for him in spite of his efforts to keep me at an emotional distance with gruffness and forbidding looks. His actions tell a different story and I respond to it.

I watch him now for a bit as I attempt a furtive sketch of him, contemplating how I awakened earlier to find us wrapped in each others arms. My cheek rested against his solid chest, and for a while I lay still listening to the beat of his heart and his relaxed breathing. Strong arms held me cradled close against his muscled form. My hands had twitched with the urge to trace the lines of him but I forced myself to keep still. I didn't want to wake him and ruin the perfection of the moment. For the space of a few breaths it worked while I soaked up the wonder of our closeness. It wasn't until a deep sigh escaped me, giving away the fact that I was no longer sleeping that the reprieve came to an abrupt end. Wordlessly, Dante eased away from me to climb out of our earthy shelter. He kept his back to me as he stretched in the dim light of twilight before splashing into the pond with his clothes still on.

I tire of sketching, unhappy with my efforts and climb into the shelter. Dante called an early evening, but I am restless. Sleep eludes me and I struggle to get comfortable. It feels like forever that I stay awake wrestling with the covers. Finally, I sleep, and dream. I dream of a powerful lion-man with humongous golden wings that match the shade of his long, unruly hair. He wears a toga, and sandals strapped up his lower legs. In his hands is a bow and arrow. He holds a hand out and beckons me. In the shadows behind him a group of young people fan out, all offering welcome. The dream cuts off abruptly.

I come to sudden wakefulness with the feeling of being watched. Just outside the mouth of the lean-to Dante is already awake and in a crouch, looking ready to spring. His recently sharpened machete is in the palm of one hand, a serrated dagger in the other. Standing silently in a circle around us are half a dozen affected. Dante's gaze flicks to mine and he gives a very slight shake of his head, which I understand to mean "no sudden movements." Easier said than done, what I really want to do is leap to my feet with some weapons in my own hands, and attack now. Lying here I feel helpless and vulnerable both unwelcome feelings.

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