Creep {Rob Benedict}

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You sat in the green room and tried to control yourself. Tears threatened to fall down your face as you kept reading the messages. Your fiance had just broken up with you over text. OVER TEXT. Like your five year relationship didn't matter at all.

"(Y/N), there you are." Rob walked in smiling, "Everyone's been looking for you. What's wrong?"

You tried your best to act like you were fine, but it was Rob Benedict. Since day one you've never been able to lie to him. Knowing that information you kept silent.

"(Y/N), is something wrong? Is it the convention? Maybe the fans are too much for you?" Rob questioned.

Shrugging you tried to use your acting skills, "Nothing is wrong. I'm perfect fine. Everything is alright."

He sat next to you with a soft smile, "You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm here to help you and get Matt to beat up anyone who messes with our girl."

"Honestly Rob..." You paused. You couldn't possibly tell him the truth, "I'm great. Can we just go on stage now?"

As you stood up Robbie grabbed your arm, "We aren't leaving this room unless you tell me the truth. Should I ask Dave(fiance) about it?"

With the mention of his name you burst into tears. Rob wrapped his arms around you tightly, trying to provide some form of comfort.

"Over text." You gave in, "He broke up with me over text. What kind of insensitive person does that? Maybe everything people told me was right. He deserved better than me and I was holding him back in life."

Rob made you look at him, "Don't ever say that ever again. He was the one holding you back, (Y/N). You deserve better than him."

Nodding your head you wiped the tears from your eyes, "Thanks for that Robbie. Maybe I may not be his perfect, but there has to be someone out there for me?"

"That's the spirit." Rob gave you another hug, "Come on they are gonna start wondering where we are."

Feeling a little better you decided that you could go out on stage.

"Osric is up now." Rob said once you got to the stage, "He's singing Creep by Radiohead."

You smiled, "I love that song."

Getting on stage the fans cheered and Rob stayed next to you the whole Saturday Night Special.

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