Guess what

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I got tagged! Again!

So , HoodieGirl15 , tagged everyone who read on of her chappie's. And I read the chappie.

I have to write 6 random facts! Yeaaaaa....

1. Why is my name Chilli_Writez? Well, in 5th grade, my friends that are boys me the nickname, 'Chilli', but then, they moved away, and I haven't seen them in so long, I miss them so much. So I stuck with the nickname 'Chilli'

2. I've been drawing for 10 months now, and will never take an Art class!!!!

3. This author is 13 years old!

4. TomBoy for lyfe.

5. I don't know how to use makeup, scared of it, and don't like it.

6. I am wearing a Minion shirt right now lol.

I am to lazy to lazy to tag anyone, so I'm going to copy HoodieGirl15 's idea, so everyone who is reading this is tagged.

I ain't sorry.

(Yes I am)

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