Hello Anime

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Hello Anime and GOODBYE REALITY.

Ohayo gozaimasu/ Konnichiwa / Konbanwa! Genki desu ka?

As you can see from the title...I'm saying hello to anime and I'm saying goodbye to reality in the description.Therefore, ALL WE'RE GONNA TALK ABOUT IS ANIME and...Some stuffs in Japan, but stuffs here will be MORE ON animeeeeee.

Reality doesn't suck that much, ahem... "that much" BUT...Anime is still the BEST...For us.

(*comment something*) Your reply:

Oh, and also...Most of them are mine, and most of them are on the internet (it depends), if you see '♚' on the chapter's title it means I created it — and if you saw nothing...Well, it's obviously not mine...Okyyyyy.

What's inside? TOO MANY TO TELL. (Mwaahahahahahahahaaahahahhahahahah— *chokes*)

Okay then, Mata aimasyou~!

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