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Im currently on episodes 191, ...WHEN I WAS WATCHING EPISODE 190, the last scene on that episode...I was crying when *U** was hit by *O*** (hints) I was crying so hard when I saw Natsu crying, I even took a screenshot of it and it hurts seeing Natsu crying FOR REAL...I mean..I only see an eye crying..AND YEAH... future *O** killed future *U** huhuhuhu...But I hope in the future *U** won't die!! onegai...

;-; this pain...it is just an anime yet it is straight right through my kokoro! ;-; so painful...

their friendship and bond makes me cry, I wish I have something like that...

;-; Im a loser, yesterday I finished 23 episodes, but today I only watched 13!! ;-; *cries*

Viktoria: *slaps other self* you're lucky you're still watching anime, you ******* idiot!?

g-gomenasai Vi-chan!

viktoria; *face darkens* don't call me that....! *opens gate to where death is waiting you*


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