#23 Yugioh (my thoughts and...randomz )♚

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I love yugioh...

I love playing with cards...

I love to duel with cards in Yugioh (the video game)

I love to duel with cards in REAL LIFE.

It is quite addicting.

I barely find interesting humans in real life who plays Yugioh...

Not a single human...


Yusei Fudo: I synchro summon — Junk Warrior!! Junk Warrior...ATTACK!

Leo: Oh hey! let me duel too, Im here you kno—!!

Luna: *holds Leo's wrist tightly* Yusei is in a duel with Akiza, you know...

Leo: Oh yeah, I should not interrupt their love due—

Me: *closes Leo's mouth* NUHHH......NAH.

Akiza: I almost heard that, Leo! *irritated* okay, I draw!

Me: wow Akiza shoo cool *-*

Akiza Izinski: I activate..!! Mirror Force!

Me: Go! go! go!

Luna: So Blaire...Who are you attracted to?

Me: M-me? w-what do you mean?

Luna: Do you like Crow?

Me: (@///-///@) w-what!? what are you saying..I mean..N-no...

Crow: heya guys! *grins*

Me: *drools looking at Crow* (in my mind: THAT HAIR)

Luna: *giggles*

Leo: Hey Crow! let's duel! *ignored*

Crow: HAHHHHHHHHH so the lovebirds are in a duel, eh?

Me: *gives Crow a skateboard*

Crow: oh thanks! *accept accept* *is watching Akiza and Yusei*

Yusei Fudo: uughh...

Akiza Izinski: *smirks* I'm not yet done! I activate..—

Jack Atlas: Ugh...What's this all about?

Sherry Leblanc: I don't know, but it seems like Akiza is so into it.

Yusei Fudo: I won't let you...I summon Junk Synchron, then special summon...—

Carly Carmine: this will gonna be my first and great report for the week! wooh! *keeps writing* Im gonna interview them after!

Leo: Duel me..!! anyone!?

Crow: Ah, Im so hungry.

Me: *gives Crow hamburger:

Crow: Wow, food! *-* thanks *smiles then thumbs up*

Me: (in my mind: I dieded so much...dieded so much...so much..much...)

Wisteria: Go Akiza!

Sherry Leblanc: This is getting quite interesting, Go Yusei!! I am gonna treat you with icecream later after the duel!

Akiza Izinski: *gets irritated* (in my mind: oh no you won't! because I'll win the duel and if I win...He's gonna teach me about Turbo Duels..)

Cherry: *yawns* Is this a dream?

Hana: *faces Kami* Let's duel Kami! your water monsters and my fire monsters! let's see who will win!

Kami: *chuckles* such a surprise, and of course..I'll win. *getting ready for the duel disk* okay then.

Hana: I'm going to roast you and your monsters with my fire type monsters!

Kami: And I'm going to suffocate you and your lowlife status with my water type monsters!

Cherry: *yawns* Can I just sleep?

Me: This is so confusing, heeeelp.

Crow: don't worry. *pats Blaire's head*

Me: *eyes widen* *freezes* I need a cameraman please.

Akiza: I...I lost...

Yusei: *closes eyes* You are getting better, Akiza...

Trudge: What on Earth..Why are almost all of you gathered here!?

Luna: M-mister Trudge!

Trudge: *irritaed* Don't call me Mister!

Leo: Hey! don't shout on my sister!

Luna: i-it is okay, Leo....!

Me: The duel is over soooo shoo shoo audience!

King Jyaku: *is watching Hana and Kami's duel*

Me: At first I can not identify Jya-kun's gender, but when I checked details about that human...I was shocked to know Jya-kun's a guy...He looks like a girl.

Luna: But the question is...What is King Jyaku's real gender?

Me: so confusinggggg (@-@)

Aster Phoenix: Oh hey Blaire.


Luna: *stands beside Blaire: who is this handsome guy, Blaire?

Aster Phoenix: *smirks* hm, so you have never heard of the Great Aster Phoenix?

Me: You're still like that, huh? Wanna duel, mate!?

Aster Phoenix: Not now~ *pinches Blaire's cheek*

Crow: Hey you stranger! *points at Aster* Duel me! I'll use my blackwing!

Aster: *carresses his own hair then strokes Blaire's cheek before readying his duel disk* Oh, this is interesting, new rival.I am gonna finish you off with my Destiny Hero monsters.

Crow: New rival? whatever that means...I'm gonna beat you! finish me off? TRY!

Me: *heart eyes* Hey, who turned the aircon off...... It is suddenly hot here.

Trudge: *being ignored by everyone* Mina is so going to kill me.

Luna: *giggles*


okay..Im okay now...My..delusions..are...WOOHOOOLLOLOLOLOPOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

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