Chapter 17

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The following morning, Kellin should have woken up with a guilty conscience, or at least the thought that he should have guilty conscience, but he didn't. Mostly it was just another day, what happened yesterday was something he wasn't really going to think about, something he didn't need to think about, unless forced to.

The morning had dragged on painfully slowly so far. Thanks to the new restrictions in place for himself and his friend's, the guards had woken both him and Luke at what Kellin considered and ungodly hour in the morning, though in reality it was about seven-thirty. They were escorted to the bathrooms on the lower level of the center after being told to collect what they would need for the day, because they would not be returning to their rooms until late that afternoon. It was in the showers, once Kellin had the water running hot and fast in the small cubicle that he could actually being to fully grasp the true extent of what Mr. McKinnon had said.

Mark, the guard who would be constantly on both Kellin and Luke's backs, had ordered the boys to a quick morning shower before he casually took a seat at the end of one of the rows of benches, pulled out a paper that was tucked under the leg and proceeded to read it, obviously waiting for the two to be finished with cleaning themselves up.

Kellin had just watched him for a moment, waiting for him to just leave because this could not possibly be any more awkward. Mark didn't move though, he didn't even look at Kellin or Luke, just read his paper, one leg crossed over the other as if there was nothing strange about the older man just casually hanging out in a bathroom whilst a couple of teenagers washed up.

Kellin peeled his shirt off slowly, keeping a firm eye on Mark as if the man was going to sneak peeks at him when he wasn't looking. It wasn't that he was embarrassed about being seen without his clothes on, he'd run loops around the entire center, naked, just to prove his point if he had to. It was the fact that this man had been made to stay there, to supervise whilst they took part in what is usually intended to be a rather personal activity in everyday living. It wouldn't have mattered at all if the showers had curtains, but they didn't, safety regulations stated they weren't allowed; Kellin assumed this was for self-harming issues ...among other things.

But Kellin wasn't about to do anything like that, nor was he about to break out into a fit of violence against others when he was simply having a shower, and not to mention, it was only himself and Luke in the entire bathroom at that moment. He was just confused, these terms that had been placed upon them now just seemed way too ridiculous for Kellin to comprehend. And even though it was obvious that Mark was decent enough to keep his eyes on the daily news, that didn't matter, it felt like invasion of privacy and simply wasn't right.

Kellin stepped away from the running shower, only to stick his head around to the other side of the tiles that were separating his cubicle from his friends own. Kellin was a little surprised when he saw Luke, already naked as the day he was born and lathering soapsuds through his hair. Kellin assumed that he either hadn't noticed Mark's presence or simply didn't care, he hoped it was the former otherwise he would have felt quite stupid for being so worried about it.

"Luke," He shot, the preoccupied teen spinning around under the water to face his friend. "Mark's over there. Am I freaking out or did you just not notice?"

Luke looked past Kellin over to where the guard was seated, which in the man's defense was a reasonable distance away, nevertheless, if he turned his head even slightly, young naked boys were clear as day in his view.

Luke shrieked a little, his hand quickly leaving his hair to cover more obvious parts of his body. "Oh god!"

Kellin stepped further over in front his Luke's cubicle in attempt to cover his exposed friend from plain view. Though it may have seemed like he was contradicting himself, that was only to people who didn't know the pair had seen each other naked on countless occasions anyway, so the fact that Kellin was somewhat close to his unclothed friend was not even acknowledged by them.

"I don't know if I should say anything." Kellin almost whispered, glancing back at Mark.

Luke shrugged, looking over at the uniformed man too, his hand still hiding himself. "Maybe just ask him if- ahh, oh god, make it stop!"

Kellin quickly looked back at Luke, the boy jumping up and down a little as he stuck his face directly under the stream of water.

"Burning eyeballs." He panicked, his voice muffled underneath the water flowing over his mouth.

Kellin smiled at his friend's stupidity, "Well you shouldn't wash your hair with a bar of soap. I'm gonna ask him to leave." With that, Kellin made his way over to Mark, the man a little startled by his sudden presence.


"Mark, it's a little weird you being in here while we shower. Can't you just leave for like five minutes or something? I mean, I'm not saying you're looking or anything, it just, strange."

Mark smiled rather genuinely at him. "Sorry kiddo, bosses orders. I will turn around though, but I can't leave."

Kellin scoffed and rolled his eyes. "This is ridiculous. What the fuck are me and Luke gonna do?"

"Well, no one knows, Kellin, that's the thing."

Kellin inwardly kicked Mark's head in. Though he knew it wasn't Mark's fault that he had to be there, he still felt the man could up and leave for five minutes without Mr. McKinnon's knowledge. Now he knew he was over-reacting but this just wasn't right and he intended on getting it fixed, already with an idea on just how he would do that.

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