Chapter 7

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Albus did his best to keep his face straight. "Well, at least the two of you can agree on something." He said, making both of them even more annoyed with the headmaster. "Albus, this isn't funny. What did you think was going to happen by making us do this?" James asked him, seeing as Severus had yet to say anything since they had burst into Albus' office and yelled at him. "James, I understand yours and Severus' past together has been a rocky one-" "A rocky one? Albus, we never got along. Not from the moment we met on the train to this moment now. We will never get along. Not after everything that he's done." Severus snarled, cutting Albus off.

"Everything I did? I'm not the one who told Voldemort the death sentence of a child. Much less helped him to rise to power." James retorted. "I didn't think he would go after Lily and Harry." Severus countered. "But knowing he threatened the life of a child should've been enough to stop anyone. Even with a heart of stone." James snarled dangerously. Severus turned to face James, as did James. "You think I don't have a heart?" He said. "Considering the way you treat everyone, I'd be shocked if anyone thought you had a heart," James said, crossing his arms. "Yeah, well the only two people I cared about are dead. So sorry if I'm so bloody damned depressed all the time." Severus said slapping James, something neither men thought would happen in their lifetimes.

James looked furious. "Sorry that you can't move on from rejection. She never loved you. She told me herself. And you ruined everything you had with Lily when you called her Mudblood." James spat the last word at Severus, making the other man recoil. Ever since the day he had called Lily that, he hated the word, and it always hurt to hear it. "DON'T. TALK. ABOUT. HER. LIKE. THAT. POTTER." He snarled before launching himself at James, pushing the other into the shelves behind him. James grunted in surprise and slight pain, before shoving Severus back sending him tumbling to the ground.

Severus scrambled to his feet, raising his fists to defend himself. He was used to getting picked on by James. Even though it had been years since it had happened, he wasn't going to back off like a coward. "Go ahead, Snape. Come at me." James taunted, leaving himself open, not afraid of Severus, who threw a punch quickly, that James easily dodged. "That the best you go-" He was cut off by Severus' fist connecting with his jaw. James' eyes darkened as he threw his punch at Severus, hitting him square on the cheek. "ENOUGH. That is enough from both of you." Albus said, standing up. "You will work together, cooperatively, and respectfully." He said. "My word is final. I shall be watching you two. And James, sit somewhere else at the breakfast table in the morning. I'd rather not have the two of you punching each other in front of every single student."

James and Severus looked pissed off. James had a bruising jaw and cheek, while Severus had a bruising cheek and under-eye. "Off to bed with the both of you. There's class tomorrow and I will not excuse either of you missing your first class, or day. And, I suggest icing those bruised." He said with a wave of his good hand, dismissing them. Severus turned around and stocked out of the room, his cloak billowing out behind him before he disappeared, James following at a slower pace, in no mood to have another fistfight. Both men returned to their rooms, neither saying anything as they departed to go to their separate rooms.

Sorry it's a short chapter. I was going to include their first class together, but then decided that I only wanted their argument in this chapter and that I would put the class in the next chapter.

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