Chapter 8

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James returned to his quarters after having gone to Madame Pomfrey to get ice for the bruises that were forming on his face. He was dreading Harry's reaction to the bruises, knowing that ever since he had come back from the dead, his son had been overprotective of him, in fear that he was going to lose him again. He didn't blame his son for worrying, he was doing the same. He knew that he would react the same if something like this happened to Harry. He just knew he had to

He sighed, giving the password to his room, entering as the portrait opened, closing behind him. He held the ice tenderly to his cheek, even though it was wrapped in a towel, it was still cold. He walked to the bedroom, going into the attached bathroom to get a better look at the forming bruise. He let out a sigh, going back to the bedroom to change and get some sleep before the next day, especially cause James knew he would need all the patience in the world to put up with Severus to teach classes.


When morning rolled around, James sighed at having to get up. He didn't want to be up this early, but it was what he had to do. James rolled out of bed, sitting up and running a hand through his hair with a sigh. He was not looking forward to the day, or any day in fact until the first day of winter and summer break.

He sighed standing up and moving to the small closet that was in his provided room, pulling out a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt, putting them on, before pulling on a robe over them.
He grabbed his wand off his bedside, starting for the door that led out of his quarters. He joined the students that were in the hallway, going down to the Great Hall. He walked up to the staff table, in between the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables.

Heeding Dumbledore's advice from last night to sit away from Severus, he sat down near Flitwick and Hagrid instead, actually having a good relationship with both of them.

James was watching for Harry and his friends to enter the hall, surprised he'd made it before his son had, never having been a morning person himself. He looked up when he heard a shout, seeing Harry shoving Draco Malfoy away angrily and walking to the Gryffindor table, Ron and Hermione close behind him.

James sighed, shaking his head as he watched Harry at the Gryffindor table, watching as Minerva walked over to the group to give them their schedules. He smiled seeing Harry's reaction to the day, knowing that no one could be looking forward to the Defense lessons for the day, or the rest of the year.

He turned back to his food, pushing it around on his plate board. He couldn't help but think that the reason Dumbledore didn't tell him and Severus about having to work together, was to make sure they didn't have the chance to kill the other before the year began. He couldn't understand why Dumbledore had decided that this was a good idea, what with knowing the history of the two together, but Dumbledore was Dumbledore and few people could understand his reasoning.

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