Chapter 11 Uneven Guesstimate

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It's been around 4 or 6 days. Micha is still lone. Somewhat, he'll never know what Pip-Pip has been doing recently or currently. All Micha can do is roughly to estimate that Pip-Pip might pray, share his spirit with Micha and forecast Micha's fate.

The day after tomorrow. Pip-Pip senses something peculiar. He has a magical sight that is projecting Micha's health. Pip-Pip automatically heads back because of the inappreciable vision. His wife abruptly complains about Pip-Pip's inconsistency that he is supposed to let Micha be alone for some time. Eventually, Pip-Pip reasons by adumbrating Micha's dire destiny and successfully travels to Micha's world.

As soon as Pip-Pip comes over, Micha always feels ill and bewildered while he lies down in his bed. Then Pip-Pip comes on and panickily hollers! 'Michaaaa! Where are you?! Oh you are in your bed, as always.'

Then Pip-Pip approaches Micha until Pip-Pip is near Micha's right arm.

'I felt that, Micha,' Pip-Pip informs. 'You must be helped. I mean, I...'

'You can't help yourself, can you?' Micha asks. 'I"m fine, nothing to fret about. I have been in under-pressure and stressed-out mayhem.'

'That"s!' Pip-Pip exclaims. 'That"s even worse. Probably the worst! No way, Micha. That"s so epic absurd. By the way, I"m your indeed friend.'

'Well, you are,' Micha acknowledges. 'Also, a heroic Pokemon ever...'

'Micha, are you dying again?' Pip-Pip wonders. 'Your voice just trails off. Say something.'

'Heehh, look outside from here through a window,' Micha suggests. 'It"s noon now, Pip-Pip.'

'Well... yeah...' Pip-Pip replies. 'What"s up then?'

'Come on, Pip-Pip,' Micha comments. 'You recognise that I likely am drowsy at this hour, I bet. Then the pain I have been possessing is just tickling so I ought to move around a little bit to get rid of it.'

'Ehhhh, I"m dead inside, I mean...' Pip-Pip doubts. 'It"s just mind-blowing, Micha. I love you! I won"t let you die... I won"t! I always see you die in my futuristic visions, Micha. You died... I tried to resurrect you... but... In vain... I... I...'

'Pip-Pip?' Micha calls.

'Ehhh.... What?' Pip-Pip responds.

'Lie down with me then,' Micha coaxes. 'You"re panicking and barking up the wrong tree too much.'

'Mind blown, hehe', Pip-Pip replies. 'Ahhh, all right. I"ll do it. Man, I"m so sorry that I have been worked up. Abrasively, I guess.'

'I can't judge too earlier on,' Micha claims. 'Let"s just take some idle time now.'

'Yea, I"m dying' Pip-Pip says randomness.

'You extremely are hammy, Pip-Pip.' Micha claims again.

They both are lying down now. No time limit set by them so it will end whenever they like. As the time goes by, they have just spent their rest time for around an hour. Afterwards, they get up, they are supposed to come up with a new intention. However, they are still kind of stunned, thus the new plan is not made up on the spot.

'Umm, Micha?' Pip-Pip calls. 'Shouldn"t we do something vital?'

'In order to undergo our ultimate goal, right?' Micha makes sure.

'Undergo?' Pip-Pip counters wonderingly. 'We have been undergoing. Anyway, no way, Micha. We are searching lesser hurt from now on!'

'That's the spirit,' Micha cheers. 'I thought you had always been down in dump, Pip-Pip.'

'Heck no,' Pip-Pip refuses. 'Why would I anyhow? Well, I"m here again. Minno, Zowee and Max are still in the that other-worldly place. I guess that we are alone like before again, Micha. We start over or from the square one.'

'It sounds like a plan to me,' Micha underpins. 'Keep in mind, we are actually still continuing technically.'

'Beats me,' Pip-Pip admits. 'Come on, we have not thought anything yet. How about you, Micha? You are a huge thinker, as well, right? You must be having something on your mind.'

'I"ll let you know that we are about to mind something,' Micha tells. 'It"s heart.

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