It all starts—while they are still being raided—by the darkness. Pip-Pip has still been figuring out how to fight against it. Nonetheless, he's just giving it up—when it comes to this time-consuming occurrence. on the contrary, Micha is way more durable.
'Hoi...' Pip-Pip calls Micha. 'What's with your unidentified long face like that? Errh... I"m done...'
'Well, as always,' Micha mentions. 'I can"t let it take place so accordingly. Thanks—for helping anyway. It"s not really necessary—to follow my way of endeavouring to cope the darkness that precisely. Be—yourself.'
'Well done! Heh!' Pip-Pip congratulates Micha. 'So, let"s put this aside, I guess. The darkness seem to be retreating. Heh! "reatreating." What a joke! Haha!'
'You know?' Micha approves. 'You"re right. I just don"t want to repeat... So, let"s just surf the art-social-media site. Accompany me, Pip-Pip.'
'Ohh, roger, Micha!' Pip-Pip obeys.
'Right!' Micha exclaims! 'First thing first, of course, I ought to check some drawings of—members whom I have been watching—or following, I suppose.
As Micha and Pip-Pip check out some art submissions.
'Whoa, stop!' Pip-Pip commands!
'What is it about?' Micha wonders.
'Someone has just been following your account,' Pip-Pip informs. 'There! There! Click on the profile.'
'OK, let"t see. 'Micha Yodels, 'Oh! male user! He has got cute—drawings there. He seems so pally then. I'll follow—his account, for the friendship—I have always eagerly possessed.'
Micha follows his account. In just a second, the male user follows Micha back!
'Oh my gosh!' Micha astounds. 'He talks cute like I do! He's cool, he's also casual. Well, it"s—OK about his vulgar words or—the black language. He has mostly got my things.'
'Ohhh, finally,' Pip-Pip croons. 'You really own a human—friend whom you always hope for! Fanfare! Eh, I"ll leave you alone now. I know some kind of mood—you are in. So yeah, later!'
What an endearing event! Now Micha has the wanted friend as he expects! Things will be running in order or accordingly if Micha's new friend is having close—friendship! Ups and Downs will be turning up! It's not all about—the matter of degree but communication. Micha and his new friend have been buddying up! Even though they have—own dearth of revelations.
A couple hours have passed by. Pip-Pip comes back to see how Micha is going right now.
'Eh?' Pip-Pip gets startled. 'Micha? Why are you looking smug, but you are also worried? Did he harm you? Please don"t.'
'It"s fine,' Micha answers. 'We talked so much, not that much, not really. He needs time, I start to worry about him. Is he threatened or whatever? Hmm... I can"t do rebuttal. He's just good. However, I still fret about him.'
'I can relate,' Pip-Pip sympathises. 'Don"t feel bad about it. If you already tender warm treatment to him. It will be memorable and immune.'
'But still,' Micha resists 'I feel the darkness is about to reign us. Not only us, but him, too. Moreover, everyone else. This is ridiculous!'
'Micha,' Pip-Pip croons again. 'Micha, I'll help you out. It doesn"t mean I will be off the burden of assisting you, right?'
'You got me,' Micha responds. 'By the by, don't even play it down. We already are in a win-win point.'
'You bet, I do!' Pip-Pip bawls at Micha. 'OK, here's the plan. You stay put again then or just don"t be way too much. Do anything more than enough is getting worse somehow.'
'Not again, Pip-Pip,' Micha complains. 'Why am I always passive all over again? Assign me to be backing, maybe?'
'Hmmm,' Pip-Pip reckons. 'Actually, it will do, as well! Haha! I"m sorry—I didn"t mean topple you. You"re hurt and paralysed. He"s my lovely trainer who should be treated generously. I don"t want to let injustice off you.'
'All right,' Micha accepts. 'However, you would better say "mayday" if the plan got out of the question, you hear?'
'Aye, captain, hehehe!' Pip-Pip obeys!
Pip-Pip & Micha
FanficThe two has been palling up with each other for a few years. Nowadays, they have been reclaiming their missing other-worldly spirit. Pip-Pip's main magical spirit has been taken away after his 3-year-long death. Besides, Micha usually uses his magic...