Government Wolves.

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Kaycee’s Point Of View

I was woken up by my best friend Nicki.

“Come on! We have to go!” She said shaking me awake, “We have to be there by tomorrow or else they will kick us out of the school.”

Typical Nicki, always thinking about school.

I had told her that once we ran away, we wouldn’t have to go to school but of course she insisted.

“You leave me with no choice…” She mumbled before I heard her footsteps fade away.

I sighed with relief and I was about to fall asleep before her voice took me farther away from dream land.

“I’m going to count to three, if you don’t get out of that freaking bed, I’m going to—“ I didn’t let her finish because I tore off the old blue blankets I had covering me and I jumped out of my bed.

Well, not my bed, the hotel’s bed.

I glared at her for disrupting my sleep and I saw that she had a cup of steaming water in her hands.

She just smirked and walked into the bathroom and I heard the shower turn on.

I rolled my eyes at her and was tempted to crawl back into the warmth of bed, but I knew that if I did, I would get that cup of steaming water on my head.

I stripped of my plaid pj shorts and my white tank top.

I threw them in my bag before reaching in to get some ripped jean shorts with paint splatters.

I slipped them over my black thong, and I scrambled through my bag sleepily to find a shirt.

I picked out a black push up bra to match my thong, and I grabbed a strapless yellow top that hugged my curves, and I grabbed my black converse.

I slipped them on and quickly ran a brush through my curly blond hair with brown streaks to represents my friendship with Nicki that went to about mid-arm.

I put on my little wolf necklace that was mostly black.

I had found them when we went into an antique store because Nicki just had to have them.

We had bought them, and later found out that we could tell what the other was feeling, see glimpses of what the other was seeing if they were endangered, and best of all, we could use our mind link, no matter how far, and through anything, including a werewolves worst enemy… Mind blocking lead.

I felt a tap on my shoulder to see Nicki with her light brown hair in a high ponytail and she had let her blonde streaks fall out in cute curls that flowed out like a waterfall.

She tapped her hand where she had a beautiful white watch that she must have nicked from a store we went to.

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