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I open the door at the end of the hall.
It opens to a large room with several beds set up. The sheets are made on all of the beds except for 2, the one closest to me and one in the far end of the room. I check the bed closest to me the sheets have been pulled back revealing a small key. I go ahead and take it. It has a tag on it, "isolation cell 3". Two guesses what this goes to. I make my way over to the other bed. I freeze when I get close enough to see the bed in detail. The sheets are covering something fairly large in the bed. I froze because I can see a faint movement in the sheets. I hear a faint but noticeable sound coming from the bed.


As quickly and quietly as I can I hurry to the nearest door. One to my left. I close it quietly. From what I know about this place I don't think I want to have a confrontation with whatever that was.
I turn around am am met with a thick fog. How is there fog in an underground lab?
Whatever the reason I head on anyway. I stumble around in the room for a while and find a problem. The only things I cam find in this room are 4 walls and a door. The same door I just came through. I leave into the bed room. Sneaking past the sleeping form I head through the door across from the one I just left.

Inside this room there are operating tables in the center, four doors to my left and more monitors and computers set up against the right wall. I'm not going anywhere near those operating tables and the computers don't work. I turn towards the four doors. Above each there are words. Cell 1, Cell 2, Cell 3, and Cell 4. All but one of the doors are open. I check the open cells; one, two and, four. They are all empty.

Cell three, I take the key out of my pocket and unlock the door. I slowly open it and look inside.

The room seems empty but I cannot see the back corners of the room. I bring out my pocket flash light and scan the room.

There is a figure sitting in the corner of the room. The thing notices my light and turns it's head towards me. I do not know exactly how to describe its... face.... it was all that a face should not be. It was pale and hairless. Its large head was more of a skull than the head of a living creature. It had a huge grin on its face. It eyes empty sockets. Empty except for the piercing blue flame that glowed in its right eye. That thing drags itself towards me. It has no legs. It's mouth opened and it let out a low moan. I quickly close the door and lock it. I know what zombies are supposed to look like. That thing was no zombie. That thing felt as though it was not of this world. That thing was never human. The things that reside here... They do not belong in this world. Of that I am certain.
I need to rest, but it is not safe here. I leave the lower level. It is much safer up top. I dose off...

* The center door
*Finish my work
*Bring me back

The center door. There is only one door I haven't gone through yet. I enter into a massive room. Against the back wall there is a giant machine. On the floor there is a note. 

*Instructions are on the controls
*you know what to do

I start the machine.

I am blinded by a bright light when the light fades I see a tall skeletal figure standing in front of me.
"Dr. Gaster?", I ask.

*Yes my child. You have done well.
*Thank You

*There is one more thing I need you to do.


I walk closer to him. He raises his hand and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I cry out in pain as my vision goes black...

* Thank you my child. I will use your body as a vessel. For this to happen I had to remove your soul an cast it into the void. You will know what I have felt all these years. All my pain all my misery.  I pass these on to you. The rift has closed. You have done well...


The End.

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