You're The New Employee?

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     Beep! Beep! Beep!
     Yoongi wakes up to the annoying sound of his alarm. He checks the time and his eyes widen.
     "Snap, I'm late!" He exclaims and rushes to get dressed.
     After he got dressed and is ready, he then sprints to his shop. Once he gets there, he looks up, Sugar Petals, the sign reads. Yoongi scoffs at the name. He remembers a nickname his high school friends used to call him.
     "Suga was it? Ha. How ironic." He mumbles to himself.
     Yoongi walks through the door of the shop and starts to set up. The aroma of flowers always used to calm him down, and they still do, to be honest. Every single time Yoongi was around flowers, all his worries go away. It's like flowers are his energy source. Yoongi smiles when he enters the shop. The lights weren't even on but the sun shines through the blinds and reflects off the flower petals. It was a magnificent sight to see everyday.
     "Good morning Hyung!" Shouts a very energetic voice coming from outback.
     Yoongi turns his head and sees a slightly shorter man running towards him with a big smile.
     "Morning Jimin." Yoongi replies with a small smile.
     Jimin smiles even brighter. Yoongi didn't even think that was possible. Jimin was Yoongi's co-worker. They've been working together for a few years and Jimin was younger than Yoongi but it felt like they were the same age depending on how they treated each other.
     "You're late Hyung." Jimin teases.
     "Well, I'm not the one who left first yesterday at 4:00 just to go on group dates." Yoongi snaps back.
     "Come on Hyung, you know you're desperate too."
     Yoongi shoots him a glare, and with that, Jimin is quiet.
     After setting up the shop and opening, Jimin speaks up. "Hyung, we have a new employee coming in today remember?"
     Yoongi pauses and thinks.
     Flashback to a Week Before
     "We're getting a new employee next week."
     "I have to leave for Tokyo for a month to visit a friend."
     "You have a friend in Japan?"
     "Yeah. He's pretty cool. I've already talked to the new employee, his name's Jeon Jungkook and he's awesome!"
     "You're going on vacation and leaving me here? ALONE?"
     "This is important to me Hyung, he's sick and probably close to death. I'm sure you'll like the new employee. He's really nice. He looks like a bunny but he's super tall! I think his muscles rival mine."
     "Well, sure but is it temporary? And don't think so highly of your muscles."
     "Yes. Unless he wants to stay as a permanent employee. It's really up to him, and at least I HAVE muscles."
     "I hate you Park Jimin."
     "You didn't talk to me first for one and for your information, I don't WANT to have muscles."
     "Aww~ Poor Yoongi feels left out."
     "Shut up."
     "Even if I did tell you, you would've somehow opposed it."
     End of Flashback
     "Yeah. I remember. Jungkook right?" Yoongi finally answers.
     "You remember! Great! He'll be arriving in an hour. In the meantime, I have to get going. I told him that you would be here to navigate."
     "You never told me you were gonna leave me to meet him myself." Yoongi panics.
     "Hyung, I'm sure you'll be fine. He's younger than you by a few years so you're in charge." Jimin says in a matter-of-fact way.
     Yoongi is left speechless and continues to tend to the flowers.
     A few minutes later, Jimin is finished with his work and heads off.
     "Okay Hyung, I need to go now. I wish you the best of luck and will see you in a month!" Jimin hugs his friend and heads out.
     "I guess. See you then. Text once in a while." Yoongi says.
     Jimin smiles and rushes out the door. Yoongi sits behind the countertop waiting for guests to come in. Once in a while some girls would come in, buy some roses and leave. Yoongi can hear them whispering that he was cute. The blonde was flattered but no more wanted to have anything to do with love. After his last girlfriend left, he's just given up all hope.
     Ding! The door sounds as it opens.
     Yoongi by then was asleep but was woken up.
     "Welcome to the shop. How may I help you?" Yoongi says languidly. He tried to sound welcoming but he just woke up so, really, that was impossible.
     "'m here for work." The person says.
     After some adjusting to his surroundings and making sure he knows his name, gender, birthplace, and if he's still on earth, Yoongi looks at the person in front of him, looking up a bit since the other was taller. The other person was a dude. Okay, a guy, he has doe-like eyes, a muscular build, and when Yoongi made eye contact, the person smiled, and when he did, Yoongi noticed he looked much like a bunny.
     Cute. He thinks.
     It then struck him.
     "You must be Jungkook I assume?" Yoongi finally says after analyzing the poor boy like he was a criminal.
     "Yes! I am. I'm guessing you must be Mr. Min then." Jungkook replies.
     Yoongi giggles at what the brown-haired boy called him. He was rarely addressed formerly like that, Hyung was probably the most polite and formal that anyone's called him.
     Jungkook tilts his head in confusion.
     Yoongi stands up and reaches his hand across. "Call me Yoongi."
     Jungkook smiles at this and takes his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
     Yoongi gets an unfamiliar feeling in his stomach. It wasn't all friendship, it wasn't love, it felt...comfortable. Yoongi has a feeling this month was going to be interesting in both good and bad ways.

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