Yoongi's Day: Part Three

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 A/N: Sheesh. This took way longer than it needed to be. My original intention was this to be a two-part chapter but it was about to be a four part. So, it took really long time to update. A head up, it is a LONG chapter. You might wanna make time before you start reading this. This has to be the longest chapter yet. (I think I said this on another chapter, if I did, don't pay attention to it.) So, I apologize this came out so late. Yeah. I'm sorry. But this is a long chapter so brace yourselves. If it gets boring, then feel free to not read it. Thank you and I once again am sorry that this came out like a month later. I will hopefully update before Christmas. 


   Once Yoongi picked up the phone, the thought that someone he completely doesn't know might call never crossed his mind. How could I be so naive? It's Jungkook's home after all. What do I do? Should I pass the phone over to Taehyung? What do I do?

     "Hyung what's wrong?" Taehyung asks.

     Yoongi looks at Taehyung with unsure eyes.

     "Hello?" The voice on the other end speaks up.

     Taehyung walks over to Yoongi, takes the phone, puts it on speaker, and starts the conversation. "Hello? Who're you and what can I help with?"

     "TaeTae! How are you?" The voice on the other end asks.

    "Noona!" Taehyung shouts as he obviously knows who it is.

     Yoongi turns his head. What? Who? Wait...now that I think about it...the voice is familiar...

     "How're you Noona? I'm doing great!" Taehyung exclaims.

     "I'm not doing as great but I'm glad you are. Is Jungkook home?"

     "No, he's at work. What's with your voice?"

     "Oh...is that so. I only wanted to apologize, and I'm sick so my voice sounds more nasal today."

     "Oh okay. Apologize for what?"

     "I don't think you know who Yoongi is do you?"

     Taehyung and Yoongi look at each other. "Uh...I do know him. He's Jungkook's boss."

     "Oh gosh...now I feel even worse..." The voice on the other end says.

     "Noona, you don't happen to be the one who...kidnapped Hyung are you?" Taehyung suspects.

     How the heck did he figure that out? He wasn't with us when I was found...this kid is really not if this world. If that's the case then that must be Kyung-ok. Yoongi thinks.

     "H-how'd you figure that out?"

     "You're not one to apologize." Taehyung states bluntly.

     Both males hear sighs at the other end.

     "I'm really sorry."

     "Noona, I don't think it's me you should be apologizing to." Taehyung felt a bit irritated that it was someone he knew personally that kidnapped Yoongi.

     "I-I know, but I thought you could pass on the message for me." Kyung-ok says.

     "Why? Doesn't that make you a coward? I know for certain Kookie isn't going to forgive you for kidnapping his boss, not to mention, Yoongi-hyung is his..." Taehyung starts to rant but trails off when he was about to say, "crush."

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