A New Problem Rises

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Jungkook's eyes widen. "Dad?"

"How are you my boy?"

"Um...great Sir. How are you?"

"Oh I'm good, I'm good. Thought I'd just give you a call to see how my favorite son is doing."

"Dad. I'm your only son."

"That's right!"

Jungkook was suspicious. His dad never called him. Ever. Jungkook always called him first. This wasn't normal. Plus, Jungkook had his father's number saved. He had both of his parents' numbers saved and he knew them by heart. So getting a call from his dad under an unknown number was weird. He didn't like it.

"So, what have you been up to Jungkook?" His dad asks.

"Um, I've been working at a flower shop."

"Flowers? So you're into that sorta thing huh?"


"Nothing." His dad laughs a bit. "How about a girlfriend? You got yourself a girlfriend yet?"

"Well. No Sir. Not exactly."

"Oh man, is my boy in love but can't get the girl he likes?" Jungkook's father teases.

"Sir..." Jungkook didn't like where this was going. This was really weird. Jungkook never talks to his dad like this. It was usually, "Hi, bye, I'm good. See you next month."

"I'm joking. I'm sure my handsome boy will get that damsel."

Jungkook was now seriously wondering if he was dreaming.

"So, Jungkook."

"Yes Sir?"

"Oh ho, no need to call me that! We're not in public it's fine son." Jungkook's dad laughs once more.

This was strange. Really, really strange. Ever since he was little, Jungkook was taught to call his Dad "sir" and his Mom "ma'am" whenever he was asked a question or when he was called. Regardless if it was public or not.

"Um, okay. Yes Dad?"

"Yes yes. There it is. Uh...Jungkook, Iseul and I would like to discuss something with you."

"Mom and you? About what?" Jungkook was getting nervous. His dad never called his mom by her first name and they never talked to him about anything.

The line was quiet for a few minutes until a familiar voice comes on. "Jungkook?"

"Mom?" Jungkook didn't like this. His parents never go on business trips to the same place. They're almost never together.

"Baby! How are you?" His mom squeaks.

"I'm good ma'am. How are you?"

"No no, please, don't call me that." His mom sounded disheartened.

"Um, okay. I'm great Mom. How are you?" Jungkook was now slightly shaking. He didn't like how this was going. His parents talking to him like every other parent? This wasn't right.

"Oh, great honey. I'm doing fine. Doyun and I had wanted to tell you something."

"Um...okay?" Jungkook was confused and scared. His parents never called each other by their names unless it was work related. Jungkook fears the event that happened when Jungkook was little. His parents had separated. They separated for a whole nine years until they decided to come back together again when Jungkook was entering middle school. Those were the worst years of his life. He also lost Yoongi during that time also.

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