letter 6

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Dear Troye
Shipping. It's where you really want two people to get together.
A lot of people we knew always said how adorable we were and we always denied it. I told them I was straight and you just avoided the question. We both lied about our relationships.
The texts.
The calls.
We lied about them.
I hope this helps,
Until next letter,

Escape update:
Zoe, Alfie and I went on a run into the town to try and get supplies. A gang were upon us as soon as we left the house. They had guns and were heavily armoured. I shot at them, killing two as the others ran ahead. Alfie was shot. I tried to drag the body with us to bury but it was too hard and we needed to get out fast. When we reached safety, Zoe cried and told me to leave her. I gave her a gun and wished her luck. I feel bad.

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