°Kanate's departure°

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"Ken wait!! You can't leave me,I wanna come with you!!"

"Sorry little man,if I want to be the kenkai king I can't stay in this city"

"I'll become a kenkai just like you!"

"Good luck with that...goodbye kanate,contact me when your a kenkai ok?",He smiled and ran off into the distance.He doubted me,he thinks I'm not capable of being a kenkai,tsk,I'll show him.

In my family I'm the only one without the powers of kenkai.Kenkai is a random ability given upon birth.

Each kenkai has an animal spirit attached to it.Here let me explain.A fire kenkai would have these possible animal spirits:-Salamander

Guess it won't come true huh.

"Kanate!!,Good news!!",my sister,vannesa ran up stairs.

"What is it?,better not be another one of your experiments again".She had the wise Kenkai:-owl

She tries her best to get me a kenkai,she's a great sister.

"No it's not an experiment,I found a way to get you into the academy!"

I turned around "You don't say?"
"I do say......I was testing your dna and it turns out you do have a kenkai,but before you freak out..you might not like it that much,your kenkai is..."

«Ring» My phone started to ring ,it's ringing at the best time in my life.

"Hello?" "Kanate kurusaki!You have gotten a scholarship for ASHFORD ACADEMY!!"

I was frozen and I let go of my phone.
"Did you tell them my kenkai?""

"Yes yes I did",she said with a smile on her face.

I hugged her "Thanks alot,sis.Whats my kenkai by the way?"

"Oh yeah sorry it's..."

*Beep*I heard a car horn outside.
"Kanate kurusaki your ridehas arrived!" I peeped thought the window and saw a limo outside.

"Kanate,I know it's your dream and all but don't you need time to pack?"

Vanessa turned to talk but I was already in the limo "BYE VANESSA I WILL VISIT FROM TIME TO TIME!!"

"He didn't even say goodbye,tsk"

As I was waving the driver said,with a voice almost like a teenagers "Your kanate kurusaki right?Brother of Ken kurusaki? "

"Yeah do you know him or something...tell me about him he left my sister and I when we were just 10,worst big brother isn't he?"

He smirked,he had golden hair like the sun was on his head and looked pretty young, like my age,I guess he's rich to have a limo .

"Yeah Ken was quite the kenkai,he was in the elite ten at our school,that's the top kenkai in ashford I'm currently the 4th in the ten. Your brother ecne is in the top 3 in fact he's number second."

The elite ten huh I heard about them.The leader was a girl by the name haruhi? She had the same kenkai as Ken,frost.

"Ken and I are rivals we fight each other everytime we meet face to face"

"So what's your name?and what's your kenkai?" "My kenkai doesn't have a name yet,it's so rare scientists haven't gotten a name yet"

I see,so it's that rare huh?

"So what's your kenkai,kanate?"

Oh yeah I didn't hear my kenkai.

"Um can you,you know search it up for me?"

He typed in my name" K-a-n-a-t-e kurusaki"

He paused for a moment "Your kenkai is ...immunity to fire"

I froze in shock knowing that my kenkai was so stupid compared to kens.

"Looks like where here" he said while parking the limo.

We got out of the limo. "Here's your personal map of the school,I'm sure you'll find a way around with that kenkai of yours,believe me when I say it but that kenkai is even rarer than mine.

"Really?Hey you didn't tell me your name!"

As he was walking off into the distance he shouted "Sabato,sawahori !"

We waved back and forth.Immune to fire huh? I can make use of this.

Hello people of the internet I am not new to wattpad but I am new to writing please support me as I grow and I promise you will enjoy your stay here.

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