Chapter 8- Date Jars

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Word count- 3271


I pick up the bag and run out of the venue, lifting my dress slightly.
I ignore the flashes and push the door open, to see it raining and thunder.

"Damon!" I shout looking for him. The sky rumbles.

In the morning for fudge sake it was sunny. And now this! This weather is more bipolar than England's weather.

I don't have my phone as well. I left it in the car.

I turn around just to see Carter and Jordan running outside.

"Carter! Carter take me home please." He nods

They hand me and umbrella, but I shake my head.

I follow them towards a car and sit inside, as he starts driving out of the parking lot.

"Hurry up" I say

That guy left me alone.

If he can make me happy, I can make him happy.

After 10 minutes, Carter parks the car outside our house.

I get out, ignoring the rain, and run towards the door.

It's locked. And I don't have a key. Wow.

Note to self- get a key.

Note to self, again- design formal dresses with huge pockets.

"It's under the rock!" Carter shouts out the window.

I push the huge rock aside and pick up the key from the hole.

Note to self- hide the key in a better place.

I open the door, as they drive off.

"Damon! Damon I swear to god if you're here, come down please?" I shout

I sit on the floor, and pull my shoes off.

I stand up and walk up the stairs, whiling opening my dress zip.

I'll get a fever.

I walk towards my room, pulling the dress off, and picking up my robe from the sofa. I wrap it around myself, and walk out, towards Damon's room.

"Dam- achoo" I sneeze

I take a deep breath and knock on the door again.

"Damon, please open the door. I know you're home. I seen your car and your shoes" and his blazer.

"Ella, please leave me alone. Not today" I sigh leaning against the wall

"Are you going to be like a cliché guy and shut me out, and push me away?" I know he hates it when I compare him to cliché guys.

"Ella, I don't want to say something now, because I'm not okay now. I might say something bad, that'll get you upset and me guilty.  And I don't want that. Please leave Ella" he whispers slowly.

He's close to the door.

"It's my room too?" I try and I hear him sigh

"Please?" He whispers again and I nod

"Okay. Goodnight Damon. Just promise me you'll be okay by morning?" I say

"Promise. You know I love you, right?" I nod- even though he can't see me- and walking towards my room.

I close my door behind me and lay down in my bed.

He needs time alone now. And I'll give him time.

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