Chapter 6- Shopping With A Billionaire

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Word count- 2284

"Ella, I'm going to go work now. I'll be back later, to have lunch with you" he kisses my forehead, and grabs his briefcase.

I nod as he walks out of the living room.

Yesterday Damon explained everything to me.

I called dad, this is how our conversation went.

"Why didn't you tell me, dad?"

"A hello would be nice. How are you won't hurt as well" he replies

"Hello. How are you? Why didn't you tell me that I was going to get married?" I ask and I hear him sigh

"At that time, it was just so we could humiliate them. When the marriage is announced into the media, we would cancel, saying that he's on drugs. But now- now Damon has more money than us, so it will benefit us."

"Dad, you have no money. You have no business" he chuckles

"You and your sister only have $10000 in your banks. Your mother and I on the other hand, have the remaining money of the business" I roll my eyes

"Fine. I don't want to talk about how much money you never told us about, you have. I'm not going to cancel on the wedding." I say

"So how is everything? Are you enjoying yourself? Is Aubrey working good?"

After that I explained everything to my dad about work and how it was actually easy. I asked how mom was, and dad said she was enjoying herself on the beach with a few people.

Sometimes I feel sorry for my dad, because he loves mom a lot, and once she got married to him, she keeps her distance a little. But dad keeps her on a tight hold. She knows that they both get a divorce, she'll get nothing.

My real mother died, when I was 2. She died in an accident with some teenage girl. They both died on impact.
Aubrey isn't my real sister. She's my step sister.
Aubrey is nice to me. She knows that ever since my mom died, I had to work my behind off to make mother happy. But she was never happy.

And when Aubrey was born, both of my parents concentrated on her. Giving her everything she wanted.

I never give a Fudge now.

The front door opens, and in walks Austin.

"Oh hey Gabi. Are you not going to work?" I shake my head

"Damon said that he only wanted me to work, because I had to be close to him. Now that I know about the marriage, I can stay home. And I appreciate this more than walking." I say and he nods

"So you know about the marriage?" I nod

"I just came to get the files for the party" he says

"When is it?" I ask

"Tomorrow. You have to come as well"  I gasp

"Really? How is this party? Do I have to wear a gown? Or can I wear jeans?" I stand up

"A gown. It's a formal party. It's thrown every year, because of Damon's business. He gives everyone a day to enjoy and he pays for everything. The food, the drinks, the small shopping stall installed. There's always a different game, that everyone plays"

"I have to go shopping." I whisper staring at him with huge eyes.

"Okay. Then go. I need to get those files." He walks upstairs.

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