1: Breathe In, Breathe Out

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(2489 words)

Raphael sits on a plastic chair in the waiting room of the orphanage he had called his home for most of his life.

He swings his legs back and forth in an almost hypnotizing motion.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and-


Raph's head shoots up to look at the man standing in front of him.

He had brown hair, not unlike his own. although the man's was combed back into a slick hair do.

"Raphael, it's time to go."

Raph nods and stands up from his seat, grabbing his duffel bag from the floor. He hoists it up onto his left shoulder and hisses, taking it back off and putting it onto his right.

"I'm really sorry about that." the man says, gesturing to Raph's shoulder. Bandages were visible underneath his red tank top, winding their way down his shoulder and to his torso.

"S'not your fault Greg. You didn't do it."

Raph walks out the glass double doors with Greg on his tail.

He stops in front of an old nineteen ninety cadillac seville while Greg unlocks it with a key.

He opens the door and plops in, holding his barely full duffel on his lap.

"Greg, this is the third family this year." Raph says quietly.

"Yeah?" Greg says, knowing what was going on.

"I just- well... How long am I going to have to do this? Going from family to family, house to house? I used to actually think that one of them would actually adopt me for real, I actually use to try and get them to like me But now, it's not even worth it."

As Raph rambles Greg starts the car and pulls out of the drive way.

"Raph, how many times have I told you, don't think like that. You've tried so hard to make things work, even in the cases where you are not the problem. So just chill my man, I have a good feeling this time."

"You say that every time. He grumbles, looking out the window.

The drive wasn't too long, not leaving the city but it was close.

The big old house they pulled up to was just on the edge of town.

"Here we are." Greg says enthusiastically. "This is the Hamato's place. Mr. Hamato Yoshi said he had three other sons, about your age, so it shouldn't be so bad."

Raph grunts and slams his head against the dash-board.

"All right, take your time." Raph picks up his head and slams it down once more.

Raph sits there, too many thoughts running through his head.

'Three sons?'

'they are going to look at him like everyone else does'

'they're going to hate him'

'they are going to-'

'NO, that won't happen.'

'that can't happen'

He thinks he might have fallen asleep for a couple minutes, but gets up and out of the car without a word.

Greg follows him as they walk up to the old house.

he rings the door bell and within seconds he hears foot steps coming up to the door and opening it with ease.

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