Chapter 2

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Sanity And Happiness

Are An Impossible Combination.

-Mark Twain

Jasmine gasped and the three of them- Connor, Nikki, and her- exchanged glances.

"What?" Krystal asked, confused. "Am I missing something here?"

"Axel." Connor spoke one word as if in it all answers were hidden.

Krystal rolled her eyes. "You mean your character sketch?"


"What about it Connor? I'm talking about the car accident- not your story right now."

"So am I." he said.

"Okay, you scare me sometimes. Just breathe easy and relax- all three of you." Because for some reason, when Krystal looked at them, all seemed to believe what Connor said. "They are stories and role-plays. Not real life."

"Are you sure Krystal? The world is a mysterious place." Nikki said.

"Yes. I'm sure." Krystal gathered her stuff. "Bye guys." Krystal walked to her bus and got on.

Jasmine didn't follow her. Her parents picked her up on Mondays.

Sometimes she just didn't understand her friends.


Tripp frantically searched for Ellsmera.

He had seen Kasha take her, but he was powerless to do anything for he also had been paralyzed.

He felt his strength return moments before Arya's had, and as soon as he could move he zoomed into the forest searching for Ellsmera.

"Why did she take her and not me!" was the question foremost on Tripp's mind. "Why did she take her at all!" he yelled angrily into the air.

He punched a tree which immediately sent it flying, landing with a crack that echoed in the air. "ELLSMERA!" he called again, looking around.

But as expected there was no answer.

If only he and Ellsmera hadn't found that dead Snyde and alerted Arya about it.

If only he and Ellsmera hadn't run into Ataile.

If only Elizabeth hadn't mentioned to Arya that Ataile had been hunting in the area, he and Ellsmera wouldn't even have been there when Kasha showed up.

There were too many "ifs", but only one actual fact- they had been there, and Kasha had taken Ellsmera.

"I have to go after her." Tripp whispered.

"I don't think that would be wise." A voice spoke from behind him.

"At yourself." A second voice stated.

Tripp turned and noticed that Ataile and Elizabeth had stepped out from behind the trees.

"Were you following me?" he asked them both.

"Elizabeth didn't want you to do anything stupid, spur of the moment- seeing as how Kasha took your mate." Ataile answered indirectly.

"I don't need your pity." Tripp growled.

"No, but you need our help." Elizabeth answered. "We know more about Kasha than you do."

"It would be unwise to attack something you don't know. People could get hurt." Ataile cautioned, referring to Ellsmera.

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