Chapter 3

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Everyone Is A Moon,

And Has A Dark Side

Which He Never Shows To Anybody.

-Mark Twain

Krystal plunked her items on the cafeteria floor. She opened up her book again, continuing to read it.

She seriously needed to buy another MP3 player. Sometimes she needed music in her head rather than another story. Because times like this she already felt like she was living two stories; and reading another made it that much more confusing.

But she didn't have anything better to do while she waited for school to start.

Krystal slid long the wall to the floor, crossing her legs at the ankles, out in front of her.

And why, seriously, did school open this early if it didn't start for another thirty or so minutes? It was a waste of her time.

She could be sleeping.

Gosh, Krystal loved to sleep. She leaned her head against the cool cement wall and closed her eyes. Sleeping meant dreaming, and dreams allowed you to fulfill your wildest wishes, with no consequences. Because even though it felt so real at times, it was all in your head.

And that's where dreams were meant to stay.

But even that thought pulled at Krystal's heart strings, because sometimes, dreams would be nice to make real.

Of course, if dreams could be real then so could nightmares.

Krystal figured she had dozed off somewhere between the time she slid down the wall and the time she started thinking about dreams.

When she awoke, she felt slightly cold. Possibly from the cool floor and wall, she thought to herself as she stuffed her book back into her bag and stood, fixing her shirt and brushing her pants off.

It was a little quiet for a cafeteria full of students, Krystal thought as she turned around.

Then she gasped at the sight.

The cafeteria was empty.

Krystal quickly grabbed her items and ran to her locker.

The hallway was eerily quiet also, as if devoid of human life for more than a night.

It was creepy.

"I didn't even hear the bell ring." Krystal muttered to herself as she shut her stuff in her bottom locker and took out her first period class books.

"Why didn't Jasmine, Jo-Lynn, or anyone else wake me up!" Krystal mumbled once more to herself as she walked into the classroom and sat down.

But in her anger, Krystal didn't notice something else.

Something even scarier.

The classroom was also empty.

The teacher wasn't even there.

"Oh my gosh! I slept through school!" Krystal clasped her hands to her face in utter shock. She just couldn't believe it.

She left her school items in the room and ran from it, through the rest of the school.

Room after room, she checked. Not just peeking inside, but actually looking thoroughly. A closet? It was opened. A locked door? Not today it wasn't. Even in the office she looked.

Dark Dreams (You don't know what's out there, until you start to dream)Where stories live. Discover now