An accident - 4

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Frisk sat down at the table, eating pancakes. "Mmm, Papyrus did you make these?" She asked, trying to take her mind off of last night.

"NO HUMAN, I BOUGHT THEM FROM THE SOUP STORE!" Sans sighed. Frisk tried not to look at him. Every time she did, he'd look at her too, it was really awkward.

So she tried to avoid any eye contact with him.

"How'd you buy them from the soup store? You looked for clothes there, but they only had soup." Frisk asked him.

Papyrus' face was puzzled. "I HAVE NO IDEA HUMAN. BUT I'M GOING TO UNDYNE'S HOUSE FOR MY COOKING LESSON NOW." He told her. Then she sprinted towards the door and faceplanted, forgetting to open the door.

The snow had melted down, which was good.

"How can he take cooking lessons at her house when it burned down?" Sans asked her. Frisk turned towards him. "I don't know, but i still feel bad about that." She told him.

Then they both just stared off awkwardly in silence.

"So, um," Sans said awkwardly. "About last night...." He trailed off. Frisk pulled her bangs down over her face trying to hide her red face.

"T-that was, an accident..." Sans said. Frisk wasn't looking at him, but she could tell he was blushing.

"i-i know..." Frisk said, turning bright red. "C-could you, maybe, um, i dunno, forgive me?" Sans asked her.

Frisk nodded slowly, not wanting to speak. "Yes you will? Or yes you will not?" Sans asked. Frisk sighed. "Yes, i can forgive you." She squeaked out.

"o-okay." Sans said, turning to his pancake and picked at it. Frisk turned back as well.

After a moment of silence, Sans spoke. "Y'know, i kind of liked it." He said quietly, but not quiet enough for Frisk not to hear.

"what?" Frisk asked, turning to him. Sans' eyes widened. "oh, did i say that aloud?" Frisk nodded.

Sans' face turned blue and put his elbows on the tables, his head in his hands.

"I-i kind of liked it too." Frisk told him. He turned to her. "r-really?" Sans asked. Frisk nodded. 'what am i saying?' she asked herself in her thoughts while she blushed bright red.

"c-could we maybe, do it, again?" Sans squeaked. Frisk smiled but tried to hide it.

"o-okay," Frisk told him quietly, wanting to scream yes.

Frisk didn't know if it was possible, but they both blushed even more.

Frisk and Sans both got out of their chairs. "Um, so..." Sans said, shuffling his feet. Frisk grabbed his hand and pulled him into the living room.

She smiled at him, and pushed some of her long hair behind her ears. Sans blushed and smiled awkwardly.

Frisk leaned in and kissed him where his lips should be. He wrapped his arms around her. They just stood there like that for awhile, until Frisk leaned away. 

Frisk smiled at him.

Sans did the same.

Then, she leaned in again and kissed him again.

She leaned away and smiled.

"Th-thanks kiddo." Sans told her. She punched him in the arm lightly. "No problem." she told him. Sans smiled and wrapped his arm around her. "Wanna play some video games?"


The good ol' days... ~ Sans x FriskWhere stories live. Discover now