9. Regret

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Chapter 9 

The morning after.


I unlock my door, step inside and close the door behind me. Geronimo meets at the door his tail wagging. I run my hand over his head and pat his belly a few times before I head to the kitchen and fill his bowls. I head to my bedroom and fall back on my bed. Rosi's perfume lingers on my clothes, I'm sure its lavender.

Before seeing her at that party, she remained in my mind in two senses. At six and eighteen. Waiting for me every day to go to school, hanging out all day and then walking home. She looked different then. Her hair was dark and long, half way down her back. She was on the heavier side but her hands were always small, adept for drawing. I remember her drawing all the time. She drew everything from, people to scenery, animals and abstract things but she always went back to hibiscus flowers. Yellow ones. 

We were so close then, often finishing each other's sentences. She helped me write some of my earliest songs, singing the same lyrics over and over until we came up with something good. Her imagination roams as freely as mine does so we wrote songs together.

I grab my phone and dial her number. The dial tone rings for only a few seconds before it picks up.

"Laylani, can we ta-"

"Hey, sorry I couldn't receive your call. I'm probably busy at the studio, leave your message at the beep and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. Bye!" I hang up and lay back down. I need to get Laylani to talk to me and I need to tell Jessica what happened.


 L P.O.V

The minute the door shuts I feel lonely. Not having him here with me after spending so much time together, after what we shared that wasn't supposed to happen...still, I miss him. I piece of me just walked out the door because  said so.

A chill runs up my spine and I decide to pull on some sweats. The open window grabs my attention. I walk over to shut to shut it when his familiar figure and stride catching my eye. His steps are slow, people nearly bump into him as he walks, briskly looking down. Why did this have to happen? 

Letting my weight fall to the bed I stare as the fan on my ceiling. The sheets still smell of him. My skin is still tingling, missing his warmth. I feel beautiful...like when he called me "beautiful" for the first time the night of prom. The way he looked at me made my heart jump in my chest, butterflies go psycho trying to find their escape from inside my stomach; I was so light headed I couldn't breathe...but some how it felt good. All the people around us never mattered before but then it left like they weren't even there. It was just Bru and I. All I could think of to say was "thank you"; my mind was gone, lost in his soothing brown eyes.

My lips disintegrated the minute they meet his. He accepted it so naturally my rational mind stopped mid thought. Even though it was wrong and we both knew it, somewhere through the alcohol we ignored rational thinking. His fedora fell. I remember walking away from him; I wanted, I needed to see what he would do but I couldn't have predicted it. I took down my hair and started to unzip my dress; I glanced at him. I could only see the tiny lights in his eyes that reflected off of the dim ceiling fixtures. The he came to me. He kissed me passionately and his hands began exploring my hips and thighs as I grinded on him stepping away alittle each time. I pulled him to me, keeping him from controlling what came next. I told him to kiss me except I said it in Spanish but I swear I heard him inhale sharply.

Soon I felt his tongue enter my mouth gently roaming until it discovered mine; caressing it, he teased pulling away. He moved closer allowing me to put my around him as he began leaving wet kisses and soft bites on my neck and I tilted my head back. With one arm around my waist he located the zipper at my back tugging to down as he brought his lips back to mine. He moved swiftly, deftly undressing me. He grabbed my thighs, pulling them up around his waist, stroking them until I lock my legs behind him. Before long we were in my bedroom, my dress half way off. His jacket was gone and I was just about finished unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled off his tee-shirt, kneeling on the bed in front of me. He kicks off his shoes and dropped his pants as I tossed my dress on floor. We met; his chest burned against mine as he pushed me down to the bed coming in after me.

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