My puppies!

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Hey guys. So I started school today. And I had softball practice after so I'm pretty tired, but I figured I'd update. So my puppies are five and a half weeks old and they run, climb up stairs, poop solid poop, whatever they need to do, they can do it. Now I'm going to just put pictures of my week into this chapter, because I'm doing that now.

(On every Thursday or Friday I'm going to post a couple pics of things I screenshotted/ did this week. )


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Okay, so I tried

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Okay, so I tried. Wattpad is messed up. It said that I need to connect to Internet to load the images and they aren't in my story yet, which,1, yes I am in Internet connection and Wifi, so what more do u want from me. And btw they were really cool pics, so I will put them on her after I figure this out.

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