Chapter 9

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Sorry it has been a while! Thanks to my friend - who shall remain nameless - I have an idea.

I have come up with the perfect solution. Rip all her jeans. They will be so awful, that he will have to dump the girl with no fashion sense. Then I will swoop in, and tell her that it is all going to be fine, and that she could try going out with someone like... Neville. It is flawless. I mean, how could this fail? Everything was perfect for revenge!!!!!

Normal POV
Ron crept down the passage way, towards the girls room, scissors in had. He stopped, and saw something. That something, was a list of all the names of the girls in the dorm, just waiting there for him. He searched for a bit, trying to find where on earth Hermione's dorm was.

At last! He had found it. He crept forwards, and did something that no sane human would do. He opened a door, when opening that door could give him a detention.

Shocker, Ron is doing something wrong. Now this is believable!

After Ronald opened the door, he tried to find Hermione's bed and trunk. This was not as easy, and Ron ended up taking quite a while on this. However, he eventually found Hermione's trunk. With a flourish, he opened it, to reveal all her clothes in neat piles.

'Typical Hermione' he thought to himself. 'Always so neat.'

He reached into her trunk, and pulled out her jeans, and taking his scissors in hand, cut through the thigh of the material, in horizontal cuts. Suddenly, there was a cry, that only a young girl could make. A slim, blonde haired girl, was standing with towel wrapped around her. She squealed, and started shouting,


Ron ran away, with fear in his heart, but he knew, that he had accomplished what he had to. He, had given Hermione ripped jeans.

CLIFFHANGER!!!! I am so evil, I know! Please don't hate me :( | ;)

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