Chapter 5

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When I woke up the next day, Louis wasn’t in my room. But there were a lot of flowers, balloons, even GIANT teddy bears. This day was just a good day. I wake up to an awesome view, and I get to leave today. I can’t wait to get out of this bed and this hospital.

I looked at the clock and saw that it read 1:00 pm.

WOW, I SLEPT ALL DAY!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! Thankfully everyone walked in, even my doctor.

“Okay, all green lights. Let’s get you out of here and on your way. Let me go and grab you a wheel chair.” Said my doctor. Louis came over and just sat with me. I was so glad that he was here with me. He made this whole thing easier.

He told me that they have a surprise for me on the motorhome. What can it possibly be? I already have what I want, they can’t really give me anything else.

So when the doctor came back, she and Louis helped me to the wheelchair. I was so sore from not moving for a while. Everything hurt. Louis made sure to move slowly so I wasn’t in too much pain. I was finally out of the bed, but I was in so much pain that I wanted to just die. I am pretty sure that I was dizzy when I was standing up. But Louis was supporting me while my doctor got the wheelchair behind me, so I didn’t have to worry about falling down. They started to lower me, but the pain on the way down was worse than standing up.

I was out of breath by the time I was sitting down. I guess I didn’t realize that I was holding my breath to take away the pain. It was so hard to move. My back was sore, I couldn’t move my head so I could see here I was at, and I only have 1 good leg.

Once I was settled, Louis pushed me in the wheelchair and everyone else grabbed all the flowers and stuff to the bus. I was so excited to leave this place. All it holds now are bad memories of the X-Games.

As we got to the motorhome, I saw Kenzie waiting at the door. She had crutches for me. This will be fun to get out of this chair. I was already exhausted from getting out of bed, and into the wheel chair.

Thankfully it was easier, my muscles relaxed and I was able to move slowly but with not as much pain. Louis and Liam had had both of my arms so I could get out and helped me get the crutches settled. Ever since I was a little kid, I have been familiar with crutches. But the only obstacle I faced, is that I have a neck brace and limited mobility of my neck.

It was pretty easy going in the motorhome, but it was slow moving. I was weak and didn’t have a lot of energy. I wobbled a few times and Louis was there to catch me every time. He tried to carry me, but I am stubborn and said I needed to learn to do this.

I only made it half way, but I made it to the couch. At this point, the couch looked very comfortable so I lowered myself down. I was almost there when the pain hit me like a bulldozer. I winced and Niall came and helped me. Louis disappeared into the back. I was so out of breath that I just didn’t want to move at all.

At least no one made me. Once I was settled Kenzie came in and said that she had to go. Her manager moved up her photo shoot, so she couldn’t stay.

“I am sorry that you have to leave, but thank you for coming. I will text you either today, or tomorrow. I so glad I got to see you. Let me know how the photo shoot goes. You will do great.” I said. She leaned down for a hug, but when she hugged me it put strain on my back. I tried to keep the pain in, I hate being the weakest person. I have to keep a strong face on. But I didn’t do a good job because she said sorry.

Soon Kenzie said goodbye and was on her way. We started to pull out of the hospital when Zayn decided to walk out of his bunk. I guess it wasn’t a lie when everyone said that Zayn always sleeps. I was sitting on the couch when he said, “Well hello there, finally good to see you other than in a hospital bed. I am glad to see that you got out.” He said with a smile.

Louis finally came out of the back and said that he had a surprise for me.

“Ugh, right now Louis, I am already tired, I don’t feel like moving. Can you tell me what it is? You know what no don’t tell me, I need to get up I feel my back hurting.” As soon as the boys saw me start to move they all pounced to be at my side. Okay so in a normal situation I would love having 5 guys race by my side but this is going to get ridiculous.

I said, “Guys, calm down I am fine. Yes there is some pain but it is what I expected. I need to learn to get up without help. I really appreciate you all wanting to help. But if I need it, then I will ask.” So all of the boys went back to what they were doing.

I started to get up, but I realized that I was still weak. I was half way up when I felt dizzy so I went back down on the couch.

“Okay, so as of right now you guys are right, I need your help.” I said this with a very snarky voice. I hated asking for help. But Louis and Zayn helped me. They noticed how weak I was because I was barely even supporting myself.

When I was finally standing, I was so dizzy. Louis apparently noticed that I didn’t feel good because he said, “Okay Sydney this may hurt a little but I promise I will never do it again. But I am going to carry you.”

 I wanted to protest, but I was in pain. I just wanted it to stop.

Before I knew it Louis had me in his arms and was taking me to the back of the bus. When he set me down, I was standing in front of a curtain. Louis pulled the curtain back and I saw the best thing ever. I saw a bed that took up most of the room, but it was all purple. The little decorations that were on the wall was pictures of my family, and little pictures of One Direction.


Thankfully she got out of the hospital

What will happen next??

read on


“Did Kenzie decorate my room?” I asked and laughed. Louis looked at me puzzled.

“Yeah she did. Why?” Louis started to panic.

“Because this is what my dorm room at college looked like. Ha-ha except the pictures of you guys covered my ceiling and the wall where I slept. Kenzie got me to become a HUGE fan of you. I loved you the best though. This is the best thing ever. I can’t believe that you guys did this. Thank you so much.” I started to cry. I was so happy that they made a room especially for me.

“Well we figured that if you wanted to come on the road with us, you will need a bed. Sydney look, we all want you to come with us. We decided that if you come with us you can perform with us on stage.” Louis said with a straight face. I thought he was joking but he was being completely serious.

“Wait, what? Me on stage with you guys? Are you serious? I have like the worst voice ever. Why would you want me?” I started lowering myself onto the bed. It was very painful. My back feels like it is broken, but I only have slipped disks.

All of the guys started to come back where Louis and I were.

Niall said, “Yeah, we want you. It would be so much fun to go on stage.”

“Plus,” Louis added, “You have a great voice. We hear you when you get ready, and when you were practicing. You are really good. And if you have stage fright, then do what I do. Close your eyes and sing. Not only do you connect with the song, it really helps you to get over your fear.”

“I mean I planned on coming on the road with you all anyway. But the singing may come in time.” I said. I must have moved in a way that my body didn’t like, because the pain was so bad that I passed out.

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