Chapter 8

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I just got my neck brace and the cast on my leg off! Thank god. I hated them.

I left the doctor’s office with a huge smile. I walked out to the parking lot and I spotted the red motorhome. I can’t believe that they wanted to take me to my doctor appointment, I said no. But Louis would not take no as an answer.

As I walked onto the bus Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry were all waiting. They saw that I didn’t have me casts so they all bombarded me with hugs. Except Louis. He stayed in the back. As the boys all let go of me did Louis come up to me and give me a long hug and then he kissed me.

“Sydney, so how does it feel to have you casts off?” asked Liam

“It feels weird I was so use to feeling constricted. But I foot is still a little weak since I didn’t put full wait on it with the cast. But I feel good as new.” I said with a smile.

“Well that is good. Because whether you like it or not, you are going to go on stage with us tomorrow night. But we all have a surprise for you tonight. We think that you are going to like this.” Said Louis. We have been together for a month now and I have gotten pretty good with his facial expressions. This time he had his sneaky face. I can’t wait to see what the surprise could be.

“But I am not ready to go on stage yet. My voice isn’t ready. I know what I need to do but I am not ready.” I said really fast.

“Too bad.” They all said.

But we started to drive when Liam came up to me.

He said, “Hey so while you were at the doctors, we found this on YouTube. It is a girl singing Over Again in the shower. It is really good. Here go on have a listen.”

“Okay?” I said and took his phone. It was just a recording no video or anything. So I listened to it. This person was really good. Whoever she is should be famous. When she was done is just looked at Liam.

“Damn, this girl needs to be famous.” I said.

“Well hopefully she will be tomorrow because she is performing tomorrow night with us.” Said Louis.

“Really, who is she? Well hopefully she does good.” I said completely clueless.

Niall laughed and said, “That I know for a fact that she will do great. We all know her personally.”

“Well I can’t wait to meet her. Who is she?” I asked

“It is you.” They all said.

“Wait, but I never recorded myself singing. I know that for a fact. Who recorded me?” I asked I was completely surprised that I heard myself sing.

“Well, it was my idea,” said Liam, “but we all thought that it would be a great idea for you to hear yourself sing. But there is something else. The guys didn’t even know about this. But I posted this on YouTube. Just to see what would happen. I made a fake channel so no one watched because One Direction posted it” Liam was getting nervous. I could tell.

“Okay, well how many views did I get then?” I asked. Usually I would be mad but I heard what I sounded like. Liam handed me his phone again. I looked at the screen and I saw that I had 736,922 views!

“Holy mother of god!!!! That is a lot of views. I actually got 736,922 views? Are you joking?” I said. I was so surprised.

“Yeah, also people on Twitter have been asking if I heard of you. And of course I have been saying yes. They all want to see you perform. So I think that this is the perfect time to go on stage.” Liam said. I can’t believe that he did all of this for me.

I just ran up and gave him a hug. After the hug I said, “Thank you so much. I can’t believe that you did this for me. But since I know I am performing tomorrow, can I know what the surprise is tonight?”

“Well we could tell you. But why would we do that if you could look out the window.” Said Niall.

I looked out the window. I saw that we were in Denver, at the Mile High Stadium. I saw on the screen that Super cross was there tonight.

“Wait, you guys got tickets to go to the Super cross? But you know nothing about it.” I said. They knew nothing about Super cross. I was the only person that knew something about it.

“Well then you can explain it to us then because we have 7 tickets. Oh and after we are done with the race, then we get to meet some guy named Ryan Dungey.”

“Some guy?! Ryan Dungey is not some guy. He is a professional 450 Motocross racer. We get to meet him? Oh my god that is awesome. I love him, he is my favorite person.” I said, “I can’t believe that you guys got tickets.” I ran to Louis and gave him a big hug and kiss.

“Well, I know that you miss riding. So since you can’t ride, then I figure you would want to see them anyway and meet some of the riders.” Said Louis, “I just want to see you smile again. Ever since we got on the road, you have been sad. I just want to make you smile.


So the race is done and I get to meet Ryan Dungey. I was so excited, I loved him. We were told to meet him at his trailer. That was cool in itself, because I got to see Ryan Villipotto, Eli Tomac, and James Stewart. They were awesome riders, but I loved Ryan Dungey.

When we got to the trailer, Louis knocked on the door. Ryan answered and I was so excited that I couldn’t stop smiling.

“Oh so you must be Sydney Schaefer. You are the two time X-Games gold medalist.” Said Ryan. I was so shocked that he knew so much about me.

“I saw that X-Games and I saw you compete with the guys. That was really brave of you. I mean, if I was a girl I wouldn’t have done it. But I saw you crash and they said that you were not paralyzed. So I just had to meet you. I had to say that you are an inspiration to me.” Said Ryan.

“Me? How can I be your inspiration? I can’t ride anymore.” I said.

“But you survived an accident that should have put you in a wheelchair. And yet here you are walking around. It just blows my mind. But I have never missed an X-Games so I saw the last two. I just want to know how you are always focused.” Said Ryan.

“Well, my suit that I wear, I have a special pocket for my IPod. I do not go anywhere without it. I always listen to it. Even when I compete I have my music playing. So that helps. But other than that nothing really.” I said. I was completely honest. I try not to focus as much but something changes inside me when I listen to music.

Well we talked for another hour. About his career and my career. He even talked to the guys about their lives on a whole different continent.

When I was on the bus I completely crashed. I curled up on the couch and I was out. I remember Louis saying that I needed to go to my bed.

I said, “No just leave me. I will stay here. I do not want to move.”

“Come on miss stubborn,” Said Louis as he lifted me into his arms. “It is time to go to bed. You need your rest.” Then he laid me on my bed and kissed my forehead.


Yes I love supercross

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X-Games gold medalist and Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now