This is Me... And my Friends

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I Lorelei Tholl have messed up, I won't deny it, but for me to finally be the fun loving girl I used to be, I have to face my fears. I am going to tell you my story, so I can get it off my chest and be me again. 

Let me start off by saying, this is not going to be a book about another twenty-something's party life or depression phase. I may be twenty five, but my life is way more fucked up than most of theirs. To get the real picture, you need the details from the beginning.

The day I was born... Ha! Like I said, not like those other books. I'll keep it simple. One day my dad was there, and the next he wasn't. I had always been told it was because he "didn't claim me." But hey, who has any room to judge? We all make mistakes, and let me tell you, he messed it up for everyone.

Now I'm not putting all the blame on him, the lies from my mother and the odd complex's of my step-father made it difficult for anyone to grow up normal. I will admit, life was fine until mom got married (my mom never married my biological dad, or as she puts it, sperm donor.) Once she had a ring on it, the truth just poured out of her mouth like gold from a leprechaun's pot. I had been told for years that my biological father had left, like I said before... Wrong! Turns out, my mother kicked him out because she didn't want his bad influence in my life! Ironic or what?

Ever since that moment in my life, things have been different. I don't know if it was because I wanted revenge on my mom, or if I just thought I knew best. I started going out and partying with people almost twice my age, and no, I don't regret anything I ever did. I may have my mistakes under my belt but those things make me who I am, and those mistakes also showed me who was willing to be my friend and stick by me even when things got to be at their hardest. Through all these blunders I have made, I have found three friends who will never let me go. 

Gigi Heart... Where do I begin. Her mother and father started babysitting me when I was about two months old, that would make her about 11 months old. I think we fell in love, as friends mind you, at first glance. People say that if you are friends for more than ten years then your friendship will last, and here we are twenty fucking five years later. Who would have thought. 

Well Gigi is, let me find the right word. Crazy, amazing, and the most trustworthy person I have met. Looking back, if I didn't have her, I don't know if I would have made it. She is my other half. When I started going to college I wanted a reminder that we would always be friends, so I got us a friendship necklace. Unlike most though, it said "Best Fucking Bitches," which fits us perfectly. 

Next is Cassandra White, a loving, yet mysterious girl who has saved me more than once. She is like the big sister who gives you the best advice... even when you don't wanna hear it. She somehow always knows what to say and do. I guess you have to when you are married with two kids. Now let me tell you, her youngest son Aiden, has stolen my heart. He is the most handsome ten year old you have ever seen! 

And last, but most definitely not least, Dexter Thorn. Our story is one of the more complex ones, but as for now, lets leave him as the rose thorn that pricked my finger, but for some reason I always go back and pick the same flower. 

These people have gotten me through the past few years. Without them, life would be nothing. 

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