Her birthday

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I wake up get ready then drive to the lake I get out and see my dad
Dad I didn't know you were in town
I just got here late last night I was on my way to see you
Oh what's wrong
I'm just really missing her right now
We are in this together me you and my 8 siblings. H
He chuckles
I'm serious we have your back mainly me but we all do
Her sense of humour
Come here dad I say and hug him
(5mins later)
He pulls away
Thanks Dana for being here for me I don't know what I would've done if I never came to meet you a few months ago
Dad it doesn't matter we here now
So how's it go at your uncles
I wish I was with you but good
That's good and my son in law
We aren't even engaged
Mind as well be
Anyway he's ok
Having trouble taking care of Matio
I don't really know they stay over all the time but he's distant
Tell you this I'll watch Matio and you guys go on a date
Dad you would really do that
Not if I didn't think you'd guys be forever
Thanks so much
No problem have you talked to you aunts
Not much Ro
Oh make this promise to me
Anything dad
Talk to her don't get mad about the situation she's happy that should be what matters
It does but what about me huh has anyone thought of that how I feel even though Ro isn't my biological mom she's my mom and in 16 years I've had my mother taken away and 2 mother figures
I don't know what to say
I need time alone it's a rough day I'll see you later
After she leave I call mya
Hey babe she says
What's wrong
What happened
She having a rough time with Chilli leaving and it being Aaliyah's birthday
Oh well I hope you guys fix things i say and start hearing singing
Thx I have to go
Love you
Yeah you too I say and hang up I go to the other side of the lake

Two reasons I cry
Cause my auntie gone and my momma's gone
And I'm all alone - I'm so all alone
There are two reasons I cry
Cause my momma's gone and my auntie gone
And my heart is torn - I'm so all alone
There are two reasons I cry
Cause my auntie gone and my momma's gone
There are two she sings

Daddy I miss you, it's hard to cope with my life
Didn't want to go on without you daddy (Still at night I cry)
I still can't understand why did you have to leave me
Why couldn't I just have seen all your pain - now I blame myself
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, cause when your parents
Are gone it's hard to believe
That is part of life - that you must go on
They would want you to still be strong I sing

Two reasons I cry
Cause my daddy's gone and my momma's gone
And I'm all alone - I'm so all alone
There are two reasons I cry
Cause my momma's gone and my daddy's gone
And my heart is torn - I'm so all alone
There are two reasons I cry
Cause my daddy's gone and my momma's gone
There are two I sing

Momma when you left, felt like my soul had gone
I still remember the day, had no words to say my heart was gone
(Still at night I cry)
You were the reason I lived, you gave me life that was pure
Always kept me so sure of everything - I miss you so
I looked down on you and no one ever knew I almost took my life
So I could be with you - I miss you so, one could never know
And I am lost and I'm feelin' so alone she sings

Two reasons I cry
Cause my aunties gone and my momma's gone
And I'm all alone - I'm so all alone
There are two reasons I cry
Cause my momma's gone and my aunties gone
And my heart is torn - I'm so all alone
There are two reasons I cry
Cause my aunties gone and my momma's gone
There are two she sings
Wow you have a beautiful voice
Well I have singers as parents
Why did you come over here
I just have a lot going on
Talk to me da I'm always here
No your not that's my number one problem you live so far away dad I have to talk to uncle has about my problems and when it comes to my mother that's a topic he really doesn't want to hear she says
I'm sorry I live so far out but I just can't  just leave and I know you don't want to leave Detroit
It's fine Eligin you don't have to worry about me I'll live how I did before you came I'm moving back to Atlanta with aunt t I loved it when  I was hidden
Dana I've been cut out once it's not happening again and you are going to stay your ass here in Detroit cause your aunt went threw hell to move here plus your family is here and Vier who really depends on you
I don't want to see my family no one understands that they look at me weirdly like I'm a disgrace to the family it like only one who cares is has
I didn't know you felt that way
Dad I don't want to be here anymore no one cares
We care
Uncle has Vier
We couldn't find you thought you'd be here it was Aaliyah's favourite place
I come here all the time
Do you really want to leave Vier says with soft eyes
Yeah I whisper
That's all I needed to hear he says and starts to walk away
Vier wait I say
No before you made this decision did us even cross your mind the fact that you want to up and leave me and the rest of your family just like your aunt did you your leaving to get away from problems and she's left for love
Vier I'm sorry I wouldn't think you cared you the one who's been distant I yell
So now it's all my fault Dana I've been threw hell these past months my sister died but yet everyone is depending on me I've become a dad at age 17 I can't work or have time to myself that's why I'm distant
Well I'm sorry you feel this way but I've been there this whole time for you Vier so stop acting like you have no one I yell
You should be saying that to yourself has says
I be here if you stay if not well just know I love you he says and goes to the car
You sure you want to leave dad says
Yeah I am Eligin

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