Love at First Sight

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You enter the room room with a bang, kicking the door open. You feel all eyes turn to you as the Slenderman slowly passes you and starts talking to the people that were in the dining room.

"Hello, my children," He starts. "I am pleased to tell you that another one like you will join us here in the Slender Mansion. His name is (Y/N)".

As you try slowly walking behind Slenderman to avoid any attention, a little girl walks up to you and looks at you as if trying to look right through you. She then finishes examining you and asks Slendy,

"What's wrong with him?"

You get a little frustrated from her question and ask her,

"What do you mean what's wrong with me? I think I'm pretty normal!"

Slenderman looks at you *(Or at least, he tries to) and laughs, as if he just heard a semi-sarcastic joke.

"You must have misunderstood what Sally meant, for she did not mean it as an insult. She only asked what makes you different from a normal human."

You look at the small girl, who is supposedly named Sally, and she nods. Then, Slenderman continues.

"Well, Sally, since you're so curious, why don't you test him out?"

You look curiously at Slenderman, then at Sally, who now has a devilish grin and evil eyes as she pulls out a knife. You suddenly understand what Slendy meant by "testing you out". As Sally charges at you with her knife, you don't even try to move. Instead, you simply stand there and grin. "How amusing", you think. It's clear that she isn't going easy on you. And since she is a proxy, her getting killed by another proxy would just be as bad as a person knocking you out. You think about all that while your grin is widening. Her eyes widen in shock as she sees you sprouting weird red tentacles from your back. Your tentacles suddenly snap at her as fast as lightning, and her head flies clean off. With a satisfied look on your face, you take the girl's head off the ground, put it back on her body, and start cleaning up the bloodied floor. You suddenly notice that everyone is looking at you with a shocked look on their face.

"What?" You ask, as if nothing happened.

"Incredible!" A guy with sunglasses and a bandana yells.

Everyone else agrees, including the dead body of Sally. Then everyone starts introducing themselves to you.

"I'm Clockwork, but you can call me Natalie!" Says the girl with a clock for her eye.

"Yo! I'm Ticci Toby! FYI I'm Natalie's Boyfriend, so don't seduce her please!" The guy with the bandana yelled at you, despite being one foot in front of you.

"I'm Masky. Don't piss me off. This here is Hoodie. He doesn't talk much." The guy with the mask said while pointing to a dude in a hood. You couldn't spot the hooded dude's face, but he was a creepypasta. It was pretty pointless to question one's appearance.

"There is also Laughing Jack, he looks like a clown, Eyeless Jack, he's blind and wears a blue mask, Ben, he's small, blonde, and wears green, Nina the Killer, she has black, hair pale skin, and is dating Jeff the Killer, who has a carved a smile, no eyelids, and pale skin. Oh, and there is also Jane the Killer, she usually wears a mask, but she has long, black hair, white skin, black eyes and black lips." Slenderman added, "Also, just call me Slendy."

"Okay I think I got it," You say, "Where is my room?"

Slendy nods and says "Follow me."

You and Slenderman reach the room and he knocks "Jane, may we come in?"

You are shocked for a second. "But isn't Jane a girl?" You ask.

"Yes. You will be her roommate. Any objections?" Slendy replies.

As you are about to say something, the door opens. At it is standing the most beautiful creature you have ever seen. She has curly black hair all the way down to her waist. She isn't wearing a mask, allowing you to see her true face. She has beautiful scars on her cheeks indicating that they had been cut open at some point in the past. Her eyes are also beautiful. The darkness seems to slowly hypnotize you, pulling you in closer. And her black lips seem so soft, like if tasting them once would get you addicted to them, driving you all the way to offering your own life just for one more taste.

"W-Wow" You utter.

Realizing what you just said, you feel your face burn bright red and blush. You quickly look down at the ground. Jane proceeds to do the same, her face bright red. After about 10 minutes of awkward silence, Jane finally manages to speak up. 

"W-Who is he?" She asks Slendy.

"Your new roommate" He responds calmly.

"Eh?" She squeaks, suddenly bright red again.

You suddenly speak up and offer your hand to Jane.

"My name is (Y/N). Nice to meet you Jane!" And you smile at her.

She suddenly blushes even more and takes your hand.

"N-Nice to m-meet you, (Y/N).

Poisoned Heart (Jane the Killer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now