Lovely Roommate (-Jane's POV-)

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One week had passed since the newcomer had first walked in this room. To my surprise, he didn't seem to be a pig like the other boys in Slender Mansion. He was polite, caring, neat, and might I add, quite handsome. When we got the bunk bed, when we both said that we wanted the top bunk, he decided that we should play rock, paper, scissors, and when he lost, he didn't complain, instead he just started setting his stuff on the bottom bunk. He didn't seem to have any flaws. But I knew that would've been impossible. Why would he be a creepypasta if he was perfect?

"Are you okay?"

A voice shook me out of my thoughts, and realized that (Y/N) was looking at me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Hm? Oh, yeah I'm fine." I answered.

He smiled and said "Okay, then it's time for breakfast."

He was about to climb down the stairs, but I reached out and grabbed his sleeve. He looked at me confused, and it looked like he was about to say something, but then stopped, climbed up the stairs and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Jane," He stopped for a second, then continued, "Everything okay?" He asked with a sincere look in his eyes.

For a second I flashed back to when we first met. He had stuttered what sounded like a Wow, and I blushed because I had thought he was complimenting my body, which usually attracted lots and lots of pervy men, also known as my victims. But I had to make sure. I felt heat spread throughout my face, and, as I guessed, I was blushing. I felt something cold touch my forehead, and looked up at (Y/N), who was carefully measuring my temperature. I suddenly flinched back and let out a small squeal. I then remembered about my mask. I quickly took it and put it over my face. As I did that, (Y/N) seemed a little disappointed, but I shook off that thought. There was absolutely no way that he didn't despise my scarred face under the mask. I remembered what I was about to ask him before he took my temperature. I took a deep breath.

"Are you attracted to my body?" I asked in a single breath. I could feel my face burning.

He looked confused for a second.

"What?" He asked.

"Well, the first time we met you said 'Wow'! I just thought you were attracted to my body"

"I... just thought that your face was really pretty!" He rushed, and quickly started playing with his fingers.

My eyes quickly softened and a big grin started to appear on my face. I then started giggling. He looked at me with a hurt look in his eyes.

"Is that really so funny?" He asked in a hurt voice.

"No, it's just... I'm so happy!" I squealed unconsciously.

At those words, he looked more shocked than confused. His mouth started turning into a grin.

"Come on. It's time for breakfast. We'll continue this talk later." He whispered with an affectionate voice. He then grabbed my hand and dragged me out of bed.

We reached the dining hall, and everyone turned and looked at us.

"You're late. It's not polite to..." Slenderman started scolding us. Then turning his gaze over to our hands, which were still interlaced with each other. "Oh, so it's like that... I'll let you off the hook this once, but don't be late again, or you'll suffer the consequences." He said, almost sarcastically. I quickly gasped and took my hand away from (Y/N).

The thirty minutes of breakfast seemed like an eternity. It was complete silence in the room, except for Jeff's cursing every once in a while because the slits in his mouth made it hard to keep the sandwich inside it. Disgusting. After me and (Y/N) finish breakfast, we head to our room. On the way there, (Y/N) grabs my hand.

"Have you ever done it yet" He asks.

"Done what?" I ask in response to his question.

"You know... sex." He says, flushed.

"Eh? Ah?" I gasp loudly. "N-No..." I answer, suddenly flushed myself.

He looks at me with surprised eyes.

"REALLY?" He yells.

His reaction made me blush even more. He realizes what he just said.

"S-Sorry" He apologizes.

As we enter our room, (Y/N) quickly sits on his bed and starts playing with his bracelet. An irresistible urge rises inside of me. I take off my mask and put it on the counter. Then I jump on top of him.

"Jane? What are you..." He doesn't get to finish that sentence, because I rapidly press my lips against his. They taste so good. I could live off of just sucking his lips. He tries to push me off, but seeing that I won't budge, he starts kissing me back. That makes me even more into the kiss. I feel my lips getting lonely as soon as we part to take a breath.

"(Y/N), I... I want... you to be... my first!"

Author Note : Time for some 18+ SHIT babey! XD. ~Sohka

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