The Train and the Friendship

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Hey everyone! So there are a few things I wanted to tell you before we start the chapter. This book is going to be written by two people. Myself and my friend. Our other accounts are Troyler_Lover15 and wizardingworldtales if you want to check them out. Also this story idea came to us as we were just messing around and having fun. We hope you enjoy. This first chapter was written bye Troyler_Lover15. Total word count: 2817


Vicky's POV: I watch as all the muggles run past me trying to catch their train on time and glance at the clock. 10:45. I have 15 minutes to get on the platform and board the train before it leaves without me. I knew that my parents were behind me so I didn't worry about that.

Up ahead I see the Weasley and Potter family and run up to them, attacking James from behind. Rose, James, Harlo, and Louis were my best friends. Yes I am aware that I have three guy friends and one girl but if you saw the whole Weasley/Potter clan then you would realize that the girls outweigh the guys. "Hey Vic." James said as he held me on his back. I don't know how he knew it was me. "How'd you know it was me?" I said pouting. He looked over his shoulder with that smirk he always seemed to have. "You are the only person I know that would jump on me from behind." I laughed and nodded. "Very true. Now. Are we going to get on the platform or not?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed his trolley, pushing it to line up with the wall.

Of course I was still on his back so I looked over to make sure that my parents would grab my trolley for me and they already had their hands on it, ready to push it. James ran towards the wall and I took in the familiar sight of the Hogwarts Express, smell of the smoke from the engine, and the loud chatter of families all over the platform saying goodbye to their children.

I saw the blonde heads of Lorcan and Lysander running towards us and their mum and dad following behind them. When they reached us they pulled me off James and lifted me onto their shoulders. They were both very strong from being beaters on the Ravenclaw quidditch team so my 111 pounds was nothing to them. I looked down at them from where I was perched. "Really boys? Do you have to do this every year?" I asked them. "How many times-" Lysander started "Do we have to tell you-" Lorcan continued "That we will never stop doing this?" They finish together. I just sighed and shook my head. Then I heard Fred and George. "Hey Freddie." "Yes Georgie?" "It looks like we aren't the only ones-" Oh god. Not them too. "That can talk at the same time." They finished together.

"No. There's more? Put me down please. I have someone to confront." I was lowered to the ground and everyone stepped back. They knew how I could get when my temper got the best of me. I walked up to Harlo and dragged him by his ear to me. "Ow ow ow. Bloody hell. What did I ever do to you?" He asked. I dropped his ear and turned around, crossing my arms. "You told me that your dad and your Uncle George weren't twins and didn't do that thing that Lysander and Lorcan do. Why did you lie to me? You know that I hate when people lie to me and you know that I hate that thing they can do." I said. "I only lied because I didn't think you would ever meet them and I knew you hated that thing so I thought if I didn't tell you then you wouldn't hate my family." I punched him in the chest really hard. I would have punched his arm but I can't reach. "Ow. I'm sorry. Bloody hell that hurt." He said.

"You are forgiven. But you are an idiot if you were to think that I wouldn't like your family. If I like all your cousins and your sister I think that I'll like your parents and aunts and uncles too. I just hate it when people talk at the same time and finish each other's sentences. It's annoying." He nodded and hugged me. I had to stand on my tippy toes to hug him back. "Stop getting taller." I said. "Stop getting shorter." He said back as he smirked. I punched him again in the same spot. "Ow! Stop that!" He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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