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Dear Tae,

Hi Tae! 2 months already passed. Sorry for not being able to talk to you. I was busy with job. It is so much more tiring for me but i still have you who always be there for me. Thanks Tae, you know i love you. Hehe. Okay, where do i start? Remember that cold guy i told you? I met him again at the cafe. He hasn't changed at all. Still the same person i last saw. I took his ordered and he don't even recognise me at all. I was shy to ask for his name because it make me look slutty who chase after him because he was handsome. Okay, im talking nonsense. But the truth is, i still like him though. I don't know why. Maybe because he got that aura which make every girls love him, maybe. I wish that he would always come to the cafe and we'll talk someday.

Tae, i have to go. Wait for me, okay?

Love you Tae ❤

[ 17th June 2013, Sora]


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