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Dear Tae,

Happy new year! It's already 2014! Thank you for staying with me. Yeah, i know im crazy because i was talking to a book. But who cares! You are my bestfriend for life! Hehe. You held my secret and everything. Just imagine if i lose you, my whole life is a ruin and guess what? Guess! Guess! Gucci! Okay, kidding. Taeyong came to the cafe lastnight. He look a little bit different. His hair was white not because of snow but he dyed it. He sure look handsome and he still got that book he dropped on his hand, tight. I wonder what is in that book. Curiousity is killin' me. I took his order and i just do my work as a worker in that cafe. Don't he have family to celebrate? I don't know.

Tae, once again, Happy new year!

Love you Tae ❤

[01.01.2014, Sora]


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