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Because I'm literally a ghost.
Like seriously, I have never done an author's note, I've never replied to any comments, never ENGAGED with anyone reading this book at all...jeez, I think I may have hurt my own feelings...
But it IS true.
It never really occurred to me, for a long time, that someone might actually be reading this. It's pretty clear that I'm NOT the lair popular person on Wattpad, but when it comes to this book...I have literally no idea what I'm doing.
I have no update schedule, yet every day or so I get a notification saying that somebody added this book to their reading list. Somebody voted. Somebody even COMMENTED.
And even though I seem like a ghost, that makes me really, really happy.
So thank you. Thank you for not being a ghost like I was this entire time...
Hey, any readers out there, I absolutely love Zodiacs. I'm a proud Gemini, and I feel like my sign describes me fully! Anyone who agrees is my bestie.
So this book is something I feel really good about, and I hope you do too.
So, if you have any thoughts on how I could possibly make your reading experience with this book better (such as an update schedule or something), please comment down below!
I love you guys for reading my story, and I literally LIVE for your votes and your comments.
Thank you for being here - really.

-Your very own Ghost

Book of the GeminiWhere stories live. Discover now