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Skylar walked out of the cafe and went in the opposite direction of the parking lot where everyone was walking to. There was a dark area down the street she went and there she heard a voice say, "That was good."

It scared her, but after catching her breath she realized it was Ethan while finding his dark figure.

He stepped towards her with his hands in his pockets, arms straightened out, to keep them warm in the autumn night.

Her chest was starting to rise up and down less faster from the shock. "I thought I told you not to go." She said, blushing.

He stopped right in front of her, very close. "I thought you knew I don't do what I'm told."

"Yeah." She replied. "But, it was just one request."

"I liked it though."

Her eyes looked at the ground due to the intensity of his vibes.

"You wrote about me." He stated, and her heart skipped a beat. It started to pound two times faster.

She looked up at him, "Yeah.. I did." She wanted to throw at him the same thing. "You write about me."

He was confused. "I don't write. I draw."

"I know. But the lyrics in the paper - the one you left in my bed."

"Oh, the paper in the bed again?" He said rhetorically. His first smile appearing since the start of the conversation.

"Yes the paper in the bed again. Speaking of that. Im suprised we didn't get caught. That would have looked bad." She nervously chuckled as they began to walk down the street.

"It's cause I left during sunrise. Before your parents would see us."

Before your parents would see us. The sound of that made Skylar feel some way. It sounded fun. Like as if they were up to something. And god, would she have wanted that. She started to imagine them in bed. close.


"Yeah." She shot up.

"What's going on Friday?"


"Why do you want to hang out then?"

"What? You and I can't just chill?"

"No.. I was just wondering..." He shuffled his hands in his pockets. "Wanna get lost?"

"Huh?" Her big eyes looked up at him, slowling down behind him.

"Come on." He smirked as he grabbed her hand  and let go when she was alligned with him.

His hand were so cold she just wanted to lay them in between hers.

They walked through downtown and saw a Dunkin Donuts.

"Wanna get some?" Ethan asked pointing to the place.

Her face lit up. "Yeees!"

"Ever ordered at a drive thru without a car?"


"Well there's a first time for everything. Lets go."

She followed him and he placed his order. "We'll have a dozen halloween donuts." He smirked at Skylar who was shaking her head. "Oh and two hot chocolates."

The two walked together to the window. She smiled up at him.

"What?" He exclaimed. "I'm still a kid at heart."

Once they got their stuff at the window, Ethan said, "Well... You gonna pay or not?"

"Ethan!" She yelled.

"Kiddinggg." He reached for the money in his pocket.

Then, they continued walking and ended up at the beach where there were cliffs to sit on.

They opened the box of 12 donuts between them and the angels of heaven sang.

Together, they ate the fall flavored treats and sipped hot coco to keep them warm. "What do you think of this place?"

"What. This small town in Oregon?"

A/N: I felt like Oregon was a good setting for this story because it's gloomy, dreary, and rainy a lot there. Also, it has those evergreen tree that I like. Ok sorry

"Yeah." He replied.

"I don't like it. The landscape is beautiful, but I keep going to the same places in this boring town."

The Pacific's waves crashed below them. "Yeah." He agreed. "I want to escape. I want to go to the city."

She looked at him cause she has the same desire. "New York."

He looked at her.

She continued. "I know that's so typical. But, I have an auntie there who I've visited many times and I fell in love."

He looked out into the ocean that blended into the darkness of the autumn night. "I've never been, but I already know that I would love it." He stated.

They both looked out in the emptyness in front of them, staying silent, taking in this moment.

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