Chapter 3- She's home!

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~ * : I was so wraped up in thought that I forgot that I was ment to be meeting Natalie and Oliver.I sliped on my lucky converse,grabed my jumper and aplied a thin coat of lipgloss. Just enough to make them shine and with that I headed out of the door. : *~


I practically shot down the street I was so excited to see her.I can't belive it's been a year already! I can't wait! Oh I'm soo excited!

With all this mental babble going on in my head I haden't really been paying attention. Turns out I was just about to walk into a lamp post.Haha It's all in a days work for me I guess and before I knew it I was standing at their front door.I knocked on the door maybe a little too franticly.Hey! you can't blame me I want to see my friends. 

It wasn't long before Natalie came bounding to the door.Oli must of forgotten to tell Natalie I was coming,the look on her face was priceless. I steped forwards with massive smile spread across my face.


I launched myself forwards tackling her with a well needed hug.God I missed this girl.

"Okay that's enough,I can't breath" She giggled tightly encased in my arms

"Sorry,I just haven't seen you In ages! We have soo much to catch up on Nat It's rediculous."

She lead to her massive leather sofa where we talked for hours about everything and anything.You could see Oli had given up trying to follow our conversation.Don't blame him to be honest the topic changes about every two seconds. It's not our fault, I have A.D.D (Attention Deficit Disorder) basically I just get distracted really easily.I will always be the first one to notice a shiney button on the floor and the first to forget it was ever there only to carry on with something else.How my friends manage to put up with me I'll never know.

Oli left leaving me and Nat still chatting away. I watched like a halk as he headed up the stairs and made sure he'd closed his door before turning back to Natalie.

"So, what's the deal with you and Oliver"

I watched closley as her expression changed.It was as if i'd caught her red handed stealing the cookie from the cookie jar.

"What do you mean?"  Came her reply,bless her she sounded so innocent.

"You know! Give it up Nat! You've been best friends since the day you met, you live in the same flat, you do almost everything together and you WENT TO JAIL FOR SOMETHING HE DID! Don't you dare tell that was just because you are best friends."

By this point I had risen to my knees,looking down on her determined to get the answer I was looking for. She just looked at me and laughed. I gave up I will get my answer just today's not going to be the day.

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