1) Moving into the new place

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Seri POV
"Ya Seri ireona!! We are going to move house today and we have to leave by 7am. It is already 6.30am!" Sehun oppa shouted. Aish jinja blame the bed which is so comfortable. "Aish arraso I'm getting up now." I said as I got up of the bed and went into the bathroom to prepare myself.

Sehun POV
Seriously what a heavy sleeper! At least she got out of the bed already. I walked downstairs and saw appa and eomma instructing the movers to move the furnitures. I honestly pity the movers as we have a lot of things at our place.

Author POV
Eomma saw Sehun by the stairs and asked " Is Seri awake now?". Sehun nodded his head and replied "Ya but she is such a heavy sleeper!" Eomma and appa laughed as they continued instructing the movers.

Seri POV
What should I wear oh wells since most of my clothes are packed to move, I shall wear this! I wore my blue jeans with a sleeveless white shirt along with a jeans jacket.
I applied a little bit of makeup (of course I need eyeliner!) ,took my phone,wallet and went downstairs.
"Seri! You are just in time. We are leaving now. Myungsoo, please take us to the new place." Eomma said. Myungsoo oppa nodded and went to get the car. Sehun oppa whispered to me " I just don't get how you and Eomma takes so long just to get ready." Jinja if Eomma and appa wasn't here I would have beaten him up so I jus glared at him. Sehun oppa just laughed and got in the car as myungsoo opens the door.
Hey guys it's me your author and I hope you guys read my books and enjoy it:) It would be awesome if you guys could vote and comment too! Thank you💖

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