2) Trip to the new place and unpacking

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Seri POV
The trip is going to be an hour trip so I'm gonna get some sleep on the way there. I inclined my seat and and fell asleep.

Sehun POV
I turned my head and looked at Seri. She was taking a nap. Jeez didn't she slept for like 9 hours last night already?! *sigh* what am I gonna do with this girl I thought and smiled.

{{Fast Foward}}
"Eomma, Appa are we there yet?" Seri asked as she sat up and yawned. "Almost it is just up that hill." Appa said pointing to a majestic house(A/N: the interior of the house is in the pic of the 1 chapter but here it is)

" Appa said pointing to a majestic house(A/N: the interior of the house is in the pic of the 1 chapter but here it is)

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Seri POV
Sehun oppa and I gawked in awe as we saw the new home we are moving into. It's bigger than our previous one! I can't wait to see the inside! By the way the reason I'm so excited is because eomma and Appa wanted this to be a surprise so they didn't let us see how the house looks like.

Sehun POV
Wow! The house is big! Can't wait to go in there and check it out!

Eomma and Appa just chuckled at our reaction and went in the house with Sehun and Seri at the back.
Hi guys I know I'm kinda dragging the main point of the story mianhae😰. But after the next chapter they will be going to high school which is when all the excitement begins! Btw the reason why their living in such a big house is because their family is the richest company in Korea and has may high standards connections.That's all for now your author here signing out!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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