No, I am not a Zombie

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Emma’s POV

I had told Toby about my parents. HOW? I had promised myself I would never tell anyone about them as soon as I had escaped the apartment. But he had seemed welcoming, familiar, almost like he was my best friend. I knew he was gonna be a pity party now, but I would have to live with it. It was my fault for telling him. I should have kept my mouth shut. But now was no time for contemplating life. We had to make the house safer. I pushed one last lamp against the door, and took a step back. The door seemed pretty sturdy, and if I pushed one chair away you could let someone in. But you could only let someone in from the inside.

“I think this is good.” I said. Toby looked at the pile of furniture.

“And this pile of stuff will work?” he asked. He seemed apprehensive.

“Yeah. I know it will. I have a whole plan set up and everything.”

“You sure are good at apocalypses for a kid.” He said.

“I’ve had my share of zombie video games. I’ve also read a lot of wikis.” I said. Then Toby’s phone made a noise. He looked at the screen.

“They’re almost here. Do we have to demolish the whole pile?” he asked, nudging a chair leg sticking out from the stack.

“NOPE!! You’ll see!” Then, out the window, I saw a red van pull up. Jack jumped out of the front, and the members of SMOSH out the back. Kalel followed. They all carried various weapons, supplies, and equipment. I slid the chair over and opened up the door, just in time for Jack to run in, carrying a gun and an ice chest. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me, tilting his head and looking at Toby.

“Her parents are zombies. She was in Jamba Juice when a zombie attacked. She made the barricade.” Toby said calmly.

“Fine. Are you sure she isn’t infected?” He said, looking at me suspiciously.

“Do I look like a fricking zombie?” I asked.

“No. But I will be watching you…” I snorted.

“Wow Toby. You invited a creeper to spend the apocalypse with us? Great idea…” Just then, SMOSH and Kalel walked in. They seemed less surprised at me being there.

“Hi!” Kalel said.

“Oh. Hi…” I said, looking at my feet. Kalel came and hugged me. She had probably heard what Toby said and felt sorry. Let the pity party begin. I took a step back, trying to forget what had just happened, and turned towards the new people.

“Welcome to our humble abode! Le Shack de no Zombies!” I felt my face turn red as I realized how little sense I was making. I stepped behind Toby, hoping he would say something less insane.

“What she said!” he said, laughing his face off. I frowned.

“OK. Should we do something productive then?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Jack said. “Like taking inventory, or sniping the zombies outside.”

“GOOD IDEA!!!!” Ian yelled.

“What, taking inventory?” Jack asked.

“NO! Sniping zambies!” Ian and Anthony each took a gun and ran up to the roof. So it was just Kalel, Toby, Jack and I’s job to take inventory. We sat on the floor in the center of the living room, and spread out all of our supplies. We now had seven guns, including the ones that Ian and Anthony were playing with on the roof. We started hearing their gunshots, but kept working. We would have to get used to it. Then we sorted out the food. Stuff that didn’t need to be in the refrigerator, and stuff that did. We ended up with about equal stuff, and even ate some bags of chips. Then we went over the other random stuff. I had a backpack with me when I was at Jamba Juice, and Jack had a few. We loaded each with a weapon, some first aid stuff, and water. I set them all next to the door, ready to be used. There were also blankets, sleeping bags, and jackets. We spread out the sleeping bags across the house, and put the jackets on hooks near the door as well. Just then, Ian and Anthony came from the roof.

“Thanks for helping guys,” I muttered. Kalel, sitting next to me, giggled.

“We took care of the zambies outside!” Anthony said proudly. I doubted they had killed all of them, considering the growling from the front yard but it was definitely quieter.

“Hey guys, Ima cook some Ramen noodles for dinner. Anyone want some?” Toby asked.

“NOODLES!” I yelled, running in a circle.

“No.” said Jack, “We need to eat the refrigerated stuff first. If the power goes out we can still eat all the nonperishable stuff.” I frowned. I liked noodles.

“OK. Should we eat bacon?” Toby asked. I hoped we could. I liked bacon.

“Sure,” Jack shrugged. Toby ran into the kitchen, and I soon heard the sizzle of bacon. Kalel and I, being the only girls, stuck together. She offered to dye the tips of my hair purple, and I agreed. By the time the food was ready, my hair was colorful. Since the table was up against the door, we all sat around the living room and ate. Gryphon scooted around and tried to mooch off bacon, and only succeeded with me. He began to hang out around my feet constantly, and I started calling him ‘little stalker’. Gryphon was a very special dog. After dinner, we sat in a circle and began to talk.

“I’ll be the guard!” said Jack, scarily enthusiastically.

“Why so happy?” I asked

“Because if anyone else was, we would all die.” He said. I did agree. I was weak, Toby was lazy, SMOSH was, well SMOSH, and Kalel was scared of the zombies. So we set up the sleeping bags. We decided that I would have the couch, since I was the youngest girl. I even got an extra blanket. I felt bad using up all of our stuff, but I was really too tired to care. It had been a long day.

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