Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Seth met Neil’s gaze and smiled slightly. His breath was still coming out ragged, but in his defense Neil wasn’t doing much better. The lawyer’s face was blushed red and his eyes were blown wide. His hair was messy and Seth vaguely wondered when he had run his fingers through it.

“Okay.” He breathed out. “That was nice.”

Neil chuckled softly. “It finally hit me that I should’ve been doing that ever since I met you.”

Seth nodded. “Yeah, you should’ve.”

Neil again chuckled and rested his head against Seth’s. His breath smelled like coffee and toothpaste and it was Seth’s new favorite smell. His eyes were shining, and Seth could only guess his were in the same condition. Neil smirked. “Just so you know, you taste nice.”

Seth rolled his eyes, but smiled. “You taste like coffee.”

“So do you.” Neil murmured, pressing his lips onto Seth’s for a tiny second before pulling away from him. He hummed in thought. “I can’t decide if I want to kiss you more or watch your face.”

Seth hummed in thought too. “Hm. That is most definitely a tough decision.”

Neil nodded, humming again. “It certainly is.”

The two jumped away from each other, as if the other was on fire. Seth cursed Adam under his breath. Adam had whistled. Loudly. “’Bout damn time you got your shit together.” The two noticed the phone in his hand, a picture of them – foreheads connected – shone brightly on the screen. “I’m gonna go call Rose. She’s gonna flip the fuck out.”

Neil and Seth both sighed. Seth glanced at Adam. “Where’s Ben?”

Adam smiled, giggled, and didn’t answer, as he dashed back out into the backyard. Neil rolled his eyes, but Seth could see the loving gleam in them. What he didn’t get is that that look seemed to multiply as Neil turned back towards him.

And suddenly Neil’s lips were crashing onto his own again. Seth smiled against them and this time he was aware of his hands as they rose and slipped into Neil’s already messy as hell hair. And just as suddenly Justice was in their laps, licking furiously at Seth’s neck, trying to get attention.

With a laugh Seth pulled back. He pushed Justice off of him and whipped around to see Adam dash off again. Neil cried after him. “Fuck you Adam!”

They both felt smiles tug at the girl-ish giggle that followed Adam. Justice yapped happily, her tail beating against the carpeted floor. Seth patted her head, oblivious to the small loving smile on Neil’s face. Seth patted the space in between him and Neil on the couch and Justice leapt up again. “How’s that you jealous mutt.”

Justice barked happily and loudly and Seth chuckled. Neil petted her behind the ears with a small smile in place. “She’s just a big ol’ puppy.”

Seth smiled as well. “She is.” He glanced at Neil. “So you’ve been wanting to do that for a while now?”

Neil smirked, but kept his eyes on Justice. “Maybe. You didn’t seem to disagree.”

“Next time an extremely attractive lawyer-guy kisses you, you disagree.” Seth shot back.

Neil smiled at him. “If this continues there won’t be a next time with any other guy.”

Seth blushed and looked away, training his eyes on the TV that was off. Justice wiggled happily until she was lying down between the two. Neil reached over and entwined their hands. Seth sighed happily. “So, what does this mean?”

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